Saturday and the EDL: Whose Streets? Our Streets!
John Shemeld | 07.12.2009 13:29
Up to 1,000 united anti-racists and anti-fascists marched through the centre of Nottingham last Saturday (5 December). The Nazi thugs of the English Defence League (300 according to the BBC) didn't - unless you count the bit were they went back to the station in the dark to get on their coaches home.
From 10am in the morning, Unite Against Fascism (UAF) supporters occupied Nottingham's Old Market Square - the historic centre of Nottingham. There were trade unionists with the Trades Council banner, regional officials and delegations from the GMB union, the PCS Civil Service union, the UCU lecturers' union and the CWU posties' union; there were school students, students from Nottingham University, and Nottingham Trent University (whose staff and student unions both backed the protest). And, despite the advice of some of their leaders, there were substantial groups of local Muslim youth. We were a cross-section of multi-cultural Nottingham, and proud of it!
The situation was complicated somewhat by the EDL choosing to stage their anti-Muslim protest on the same day that the Mercian Regiment was holding a homecoming parade (from Afghanistan) but our leaflets made it clear that our argument was with the EDL.
On the far side of the soldiers' parade, small groups of EDL supporters emerged with flags from a couple of the pubs surrounding the Market Square and, despite previous strict instructions from their organisers, did Sieg Heil salutes.
Clearly, if UAF had stayed away, and the Market Square had been left vacant, as was the advice of the police, (Labour) City Council Leader, John Collins, the Principal of one of the local colleges, and some of the local Imams, the Sieg Heil salutes would have taken over the centre of Nottingham. Some local Labour councillors understood this, and joined us.
Another group of anti-fascists, organised by Notts Stop the BNP, who had rallied separately because they were afraid of being kettled in the Market Square, joined us and the united group marched off, banners waving, chanting "Nazi Scum off our Streets", to the tourist backwater round Nottingham Castle, where the EDL were holding their rally. The Castle was closed for the day.
A feature of this EDL protest was that they were more openly fascist and thuggish than usual and almost entirely male. The instruction to close your fist when raising your hand, involved too much multi-tasking for most. One bonehead managed to get filmed by local ITV News, making a serious attempt to knock down one of the ornamental lamp posts round the Castle. The local authority had taken the precaution of enclosing the Robin Hood statue in what looked like a garden shed, which was just as well, because the EDL did fight the police.
We were stopped by an impenetrable police line round the corner from the EDL where we held a rally. A little pushing persuaded the police that we were not going to be kettled, and we marched back through the centre of Nottingham chanting Whose Streets? Our Streets! to the Market Square.
There were still isolated groups of EDL in various pubs, from which they emerged from time to time, but never for long, and the main body of EDLers was escorted back to their coaches at Nottingham station.
We didn't finally disperse until pushing 5pm, but there were skirmishes round the pubs well into the evening. The bottom line is that we marched in the centre of Nottingham, and Sieg Heiling fascist thugs who had arrived from all over the country didn't.
John Shemeld
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No neo-Nazi EDL Trolls Please!
07.12.2009 14:14
Please beware neo-nazi EDL trolls on Indymedia trying to divide and conquer us.
Troll Destroya!
Horses for Coarses
07.12.2009 18:06
Where do we go from here? well we need to be more organised, I really hope that off the back of this we can make our stand national - and link up with groups in other cities who the EDL plan to visit, and throw our support and presence there. We were largely all from Nottingham, and we outnumbered this National EDL demo.
So the EDL are banding about the idea of Southhampton next, it would seem from their website, and various intenet groups that they plan to do a tour of the cities in the uk, mustering support, and possibly then doing a big demo in Bradford or Oldham - to try to stir up tension.
Well, they came to Nottingham, and we have set up channels of communication, and groups to get the word out, and should organise transport to Southhampton, or wherever they next decide to go to, and lets make good links with the groups that have arose to counter them from cities they have been.
I wouls say there were about 700 hundred of us, and 500 of them (300 on the march 200 in pubs). On a lot of the EDL internet chat. there is lot's of talk from people saying they cannot afford the time off work, to keep going to EDL protests. We in Nottingham need to plan for the next one and support the next city they demo at, by fundraising (gigs etc,) for transport costs there and back. (for us not them ha ha).
Notts Anarchist
Not convinced
07.12.2009 20:51
There were rather less than 1000 people in that kettle.
Chanting "Whose streets? Our streets!" whilst in a police pen surrounded by pubs in which fascists are freely drinking is a fucking joke.
Things were going off well after I saw the author of this article scurrying home with his placards.
UAF have lost any credibility they had as the main antifascist organisation. The day was won by the non-aligned youth of Nottingham.
Not convinced
the truth
11.01.2010 08:23
9/11 (yes of course it was a few guys hiding in cxaves who did it) Record crops of Opium in Afghan!!! HOW is that possible with 180,000 NATO and US troops, how do they grow, harvest, process all under the noses of so many troops? maybe cos the fileds are guarded by a US Private Co called DYNCORP - a big US Tax$ funded payment made by the Pentagon - If any of you do not know what being AWAKE means I suggest you find out and soon - your sentiments are in the right place, we all want to be free and treated with respect and dignity BUT whilst we are being used like pawns against each other we cannot see the true enemy. THE NWO is real, time is already running out, if you want to protest, have a cause worth fighting for ultimately maybe worth dying for, then fight the global tyranny of the NWO - WE must unite as a race - the HUMAN RACE - politcs, religion, race must be cast aside to rise as one while we still can, 1000,000 are WAKING up world wide but not enough and not soon enough, the truth really is out there - look for yourselves
In peace
john connor