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report from anarchists in nottingham who fought fash today....

non-peace time infiltrator | 05.12.2009 21:26 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Sheffield

Today the EDL demo'd and anarchists were out to find them and clash with them...
Having avoided being kettled throughout the day, a small group of dedicated anti-fascists roamed looking for the enemy....breaking away from the castle kettle, near the robin hood statue, they headed for the square to meet up with others who were routed by cops.....

Out side Walk About Bar on Friar Lane a load of fash came storming out and attacked some anti-fash comrades, causing a big fight that lasted, according to one participant, around ten minutes until police with horses slit up the groups. Injuries on both sides, no arrests at the scene, certainly not of anarcho-warriors anyway. police tried to get witnesses but none came forward as far as we know. The anti-fash dispersed. EDL hid in the pub. It was a brave fight, especially given the almost military style police take over of the city center.

It was best to publish this report as main stream media has buried the anti-fascist side of the story, as usual......

non-peace time infiltrator


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Solidarity Comrades

05.12.2009 22:24

All power to you for not backing down, I am sure we will get more opportunities like this in 2010.

Big up the red & black army!

London Anarchist

A good start, but more work needed

05.12.2009 22:36

Yeah, it was really good to see quite a few of us actively avoiding getting kettled & targetting the many roaming groups of edl'ers, but we still need far more people adopting these tactics. The edl were marching or even charging around everywhere in groups, & more anti fash need to be working in a similar format if we're serious about stopping them attacking people or spreading their race hate.

A number of edl groups were identified & dealt with though, no thanks to the unsurprisingly useless UAF who stood in a police pen the whole time somewhere else.


today edl

05.12.2009 22:56

the cops allowed them to break all kinds of public order that we'd get nicked for, excuses that they were over streched i.e. couldnt be arsed/sympathetic....fight outside pub was scary, totally outnumbered, glasses flying, lots of little flashpoints later, edl again allowed to get tanked up and then go as they please later on...fucking depressing.....we need some tactics as the pattern are the same across cities....more attention on the pubs supporting and on supporting the active muslim youth...they were great but harassed by cowardly cops afraid of dealing with fash bruisers.....the policing is creating a big spectacle that serves the fash, bystanders/shoppers got more grief than the edl.....


So much...

05.12.2009 23:32

So much for EDL's chant of one law for all.

London Anarchist

agree with antifascist

06.12.2009 00:53

People don't become efficient fighters without practice. Unfortunatly it sounds like some found this out the hard way but that is no reason to give up, hopefully this can be learnt and built upon. Though it must be understood that the occasional sore head will occur in this line of work.

Fightin' Talk

Need to learn how to fight then lad

06.12.2009 03:22

Students and youngens are never going to hold their own against 18 stone plastered footy hooligans who've spent a good few years getting used to fighting dirty.

When it comes to fighting the fash there are no rules, give them a good kick in the bollocks if you have to in order to ground them don't be afraid of being accused of fighting dirty.

Blast from the past

notts youth

06.12.2009 10:39

Much respect to the youth of nottingham, as darkness fell a group of around 40-50 mainly black and asian local youth managed to avoid the police for long enough to twice smash smaller groups of edl around the backstreets of Houndgate. It looks like the police may have arrested one or two later on.

notts attack the edl

Police on there side

06.12.2009 13:28

Police just stood by as some EDL wankers spat and threatened us .I bet some of there members are police

Fash hater

Ho ho

06.12.2009 14:08

It's really laughable to think that the EDL are trying to claim some kind of triumph from yesterday's pathetic scuffle they had with coppers! You could tell that many were on their first demo - they were nearly pissing themselves with excitement at being with a handful of like-minded scumbags. They really made themselves look incredibly stupid, brawling on the floor with cops, chucking bottles, screeching drunkenly.
For me, the best bit was when some EDL found themselves stranded outside their march (kettled and impotent). They actually begged the police to be allowed to rejoin the group, so scared were they to be surrounded by normal people of beautifully mixed heritage.



06.12.2009 14:11

I think the fash scums next march is Southampton ,I used to live there, they will have big local support

anarchy warrior


06.12.2009 14:37

I was impressed by how much anti-EDL wall writing there was around the city - well done whoever did that! It lined the whole length of the canal, where all the footie fans walked on their way to the match.


homoerotic undertones?

06.12.2009 17:22

I wasn't at the demo but judging from the video footage the EDL turnout was very male - was there any women there on their side?

It is certainly ironic that for a supposedly bigoted and right-wing group, their events have such homoerotic undertones! All those bald heads and male bonding, hmm...


There EDL are overwhelmingly male

06.12.2009 17:48

I was there (in fact, a lot of antifascists are women) and I did see ONE female EDL member - out of 300? It isn't surprising that not many women want to go to all-day drinking and fighting sessions with a load of racist football yobs. And their slogans about islam oppressing women - that winds me up! As a woman, I feel more threatened by gangs of drunken, violent and stupid men than by islam!

A woman

what are you doing???

06.12.2009 21:31

fighting working class blokes who should be on our side while you leave alone the state and the Eton boys carry on destroying this country?? How many of you know any of these people? how many of you go to football? how many of you drink in the pubs live on the streets and estates and do the jobs they do? yet you are keener to break their heads than those of who run the country?? they hate teh police .. they hate the way this country has been sold of and destroyed .. they shpould be our allies not our enemies

it's too easy to set up for a row with the EDL and you walk into a distraction trap set by the state .. sharia is not the issue and EDL are a setup don't get drawn into the scam ffs

and we will all suffer as what you are doing is saying to these people ( most of who are NOT racist scum though some are) that ALL @s and ALL socialists will put more energy fighting EDL than those who run this country .. it's bollox frankly and lazy .. yes fucking lazy .. get stuck in where you live where you work if you want to change the world ..


Return to Stormfront, Neo-Nazi EDL/BNP Trolls!!!!!

06.12.2009 23:49

Will Trevor KKKelway (MI5???) and his EDL trolling chums piss off from Indymedia and return to Stormfront where they will find threads about Aryan racial purity which they can toss off while reading.

It doesn't take two bran cells to rattle together to realise that the whole might of the EDL's publicity department spend hours at their computers posting pro-EDL remarks, divide and conquer trolling (anarchists versus SWP), and many other underhand covert tactics, the latest of which as evident on this thread is for pretend antiracists to insist that the majority of the EDL are infact nice pleasant-minded guys. Ordinary decent honest working class people.

Most if not all of EDL members join in the racist chants, and are ready to fight opponents and the police. Yes, New Labour and leftwing groups have failed to support the working class, but to deny the EDL have massed ranks of nazis in their outfit (forty SDL bozos were Hitler saluting recently in Wales and also burnt an anti-nazi flag), would be for us to fall into the BNP's trap, and start denying the truth.

If you can deny the Holocaust like the British far right can do with ease, you're half-way there! To deny that the majority of the EDL are fascists would be to believe their bullshit lies and propaganda, which arseholes like Kelway want us to do.

Yes, reach out to working class communities, and even non-racist football hooligans (although I myself abhour football violence), but NEVER APPEASE FASCISTS.



for f**ks sake

07.12.2009 14:40

the original article was a report about a fight that actually happened between anti-fa,who were outnumbered, and EDL who numbered about a dozen hardcore fighters.\

so what the fuck are people complaining about? it happened, its real...EDL want to fight, they are not interested in joining together with other working class people....they are the enemy of their own class.
they are the retards who would probably rape and pillage their way through this country if their was a civil war, killing blacks and asians and bombing ethnic owned businesses...who ever doubts this, you need to check your right-wing history (particularly the events surrounding, and leading up to, the tottenham/broadwater farm riots in the 80's, plus other events).
yes, the state has divided the working class...but get a grip....the working class will never be completely united. face it, we have an lets deal with it.......

and just while we're on the subject, can we stop acting like we lost on saturday...the EDL were hassled and flanked everywhere they went. part of the reason they kicked off with cops is due to their frustration at being heckled and protested against, particularly as some of those protesting against them were people, from backgrounds and beliefs that EDL hate. EDL are fucking morons, not my class, not my friends and not ever my comrades........No Fucking Surrender to Fucking Fascists! No dialogue, no retreat, no fucking compromise. at least not when our comrade in russia just got his head shot off by fascists!!

get a fucking grip, people, its a war!! not a fucking picnic!!


non-peace time infiltrator

a troll 'dave'? don't make me laugh

08.12.2009 10:49

.. most people in london know who i am and that is ex AFA btw ..

the issue is how to defeat fascism .. if it were not for the old bill EDL would have mullahed UAF by now .. it is too easy to accuse people who think anti-fascism and kneww jerk m/c repsonses to EDL work .. and no one is saying EDL are 'nice' .. but thecertainly represent the w/c people of this country better than UAF

and what racists chants?? " you can stick your fucking allah up your arse"??? don't be so fucking wet .. and you have deliberately ignored ( and you will know as clearly you know a bit abut this that EDL not only publically burnt a swastika but they were furious about what happenned in swansea and said any nazis would get smacked from then on)

ultimately you have nmissed the point by a mile .. you do not have to be a nazi or racist to be a loyalist and end up dividing the working class in the interest of the stae and the rich, and this is what EDL are

and our response therefore needs to be different ..calling them nazis when they as ex squaddies etc hate the nazis as much as we do is meaningless .. calling them racists when many of them have black mates ( the EDL vid with the swastika getting bunrt had 5 black faces under the balaclacvas) does not work .. constantly attacking them while ignored the fact that militant islamism, while not a massive threat ( though over 100 brits have been killed in 9/11 and 77) is deeply reactionary and divisive does not work .. to go on about the holocaust when EDL overtly have israeli flags does not work

if you want to defeat fascism you have to be in off and about the w/c .. all this m/c clap trap is doomed to failure



08.12.2009 14:16

Some interesting points made there.

Even if all EDL members aren't through-and-through old-school racists they are still authoritarians and bigots.

They create a climate for the BNP to flourish in - they work at different levels for similar ends.

I'm not sure where you get the idea that the working class is somehow inherently more racist than the middle class. I know virtually all my neighbours aren't racist, and I know middle and upper class people with bigoted views.

I take your point about the EDL being useful to the state as a divide and rule tactic, and we must not forget the state and the rich are our main enemy.

The BNP and in particular those in positions of political power like MEPs or councillors are the main fascists to target IMHO.



08.12.2009 19:48

Yes many all EDL members are authoritarians and bigots. The question is how do you change that. It seems to me most radicals actually do NOT have a perspective of change but simply one of having 'opposing' .. it is the differrence between revolt and revolution .. real change rarely comes from simply shouting and opposing .. IF there is to be real change it will involve people the likes of who are in the EDL ..

BUt yes the EDL do create a climate for the BNP to flourish in - they work at different levels for similar ends.

I did not say and do not believe and I'm not sure where you get the idea that i said the working class is somehow inherently more racist than the middle class.
