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Wetherspoons (and the Police) Allow Drunken Nazis Onto Roof

Boycott Spoons | 05.12.2009 16:26 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Sheffield

While ordinary drinkers are arrested if they drink in public on the streets of Nottingham, the neo-nazi football hooligans of the EDL were allowed to get drunk on the streets outside Wetherspoons, and seemingly the staff of Lloyds Bar knowingly served alcohol to drunken customers.

The picture says it all - you can see for yourself that the EDL's travelling army of football hooligans were allowed to break the law and drink on the street.

Many of them appear drunken and disorderly, and, just to prove that Wetherspoons have no ethical considerations, the EDL ringleaders were allowed to climb onto the veranda-style roof, endangering health and safety, while drinking.

Neither the pub's staff or the Keystone Cops bothered to apprehend these men who climbed on the door, and drunken nazis were continually served throughout, even though to serve drunken customers is a criminal offence in itself, and can result in a premises losing its licence.

In the United Kingdom, there seems to be an unlevel playing field in terms of licensing law. JD Wetherspoons pubs throughout the length and breadth of the country have been at the centre of violent incidents with late night drinkers, but because the company is listed on the stock exchange, and is a global international brand, no matter what happens in and around its pubs, its pubs never seem to get closed down.

Ordinary leasehold pubs on the otherhand get closed down in an instant, if trouble occurs, showing the mere hypocrisy with capitalism.

The manager of the Lloyds Bar in Notts must be fined for allowing its customers to get drunk and stray onto the roof, and THERE MUST ALSO BE A STATEMENT FROM THE POLICE as to why they did not arrest these two men who climbed the roof, when normally, if they have been mere drunken revelllers on a night out, they would have forced them down, and bundled them into the back of a police van, and the men would have charged with public order offences.

It's not too late for the police to take action even now against these EDL organiers who scaled the roof. Their faces are clear to see, and if the rood had collapsed, the men stood beneath it would have been seriously injured, and possibly died. Their actions endangered lives, much to the ambivalance and apathy of J Wetherspoons PLC.

I don't know about conspiracy theories, but the failure of the police to act when EDL members openly break the law, and fascist-friendly licensed premises do likewise, does lead many people to believe the EDL are state-approved, and unless the police issue arrest warrants against these two men, there needs to be yet more urgent questions asked about the priorities of the Nottinghamshire Constabulary.

Boycott Spoons


Hide the following 7 comments

Quit your whining

05.12.2009 16:56

'We're not in the business of complaining about Nazis, we're in the business of stopping them'.

Fighting Talk

Pitched Battles

05.12.2009 17:17

The latest news reports say the EDL fought pitched battles with the police but there were only 4 rather than 400 arrests.

The government and the upholders of law and order treat the EDL with kid gloves.

Comspiracy or what?


Sorry but....

05.12.2009 17:45

The SWP led left are making an absolute balls up of this situation, which they created by their own stupid actions.


Quit fucking whining....

05.12.2009 22:42

....and do something about it! If you rely on the focres of government then you're going to get shafted, the government would sooner see grass roots working class groups go to the wall than these right wing products of Multiculturalism. Stand up to the scum don't plead for assistance!



06.12.2009 11:31

>>> I don't know about conspiracy theories, but the failure of the police to act when EDL members openly break the law, and fascist-friendly licensed premises do likewise, does lead many people to believe the EDL are state-approved, and unless the police issue arrest warrants against these two men, there needs to be yet more urgent questions asked about the priorities of the Nottinghamshire Constabulary.

What a load of crap. At the G20 loads of people were doing individual things that were not stopped by the police. Perhaps the G20 protestors are state approved as well?



06.12.2009 13:19

"Max" has been trolling Indymedia since man left cavedwellings, posting on just about every thread about the far right, putting down anarchists at every juncture.

Some people believe Max is Mark Collett himself.

Sod off back to Stormfront, "Max!"


Troll Hayta!

Wetherspoons knew in advance.

24.01.2010 03:47

I contacted Wetherspoons myself in the days before today's 'protest'.

My email (20/01):

"To whom it may concern,

I'm rather concerned about an event planned at your Stoke branch for this Saturday. The event is being advertised all over Facebook and similar social networking sites. It is a meeting of the English Defence League.
Ordinarily, I feel everybody has the right to free assembly, but some of their adverts are very concerning. For example: "cum to stoke with the lads wot r in the EDL. WEATHERSPOONS 9AM SAT going by train. stompin on the mussys (muslims) pal going to be fun just like the 80s pal can't wait gettin excited now"
As you can see, there's a clear threat of racially aggravated violence here, and having visited this establishment in the past, I'm sure that is not something that would be tolerated, both for licensing reasons, and out of basic human concern for the safety of others.

Yours faithfully, Aoife *******"

Wetherspoon's reply (21/01):

"Dear Ms *******

Thank you for your email of 20th January and your feedback regarding the EDL meeting.

We have liaised with the Area Manager and can confirm the following:

The pub concerned have not given their consent for this meeting to take place on the premises nor have the pub been contacted by the group.

We have not arranged this meeting and the local Police and Licensing Authority have been made aware of this event.

Our pub will remain open with the necessary security, and, in conjunction with the Police, will do everything within their power to keep a safe environment for our customers.

We would like to reassure you that we do not support any form of racism, and are without political persuasion.

Thank you again for your valuable feedback

Yours sincerely

Customer Service Team
JD Wetherspoon plc"

Well I know I certainly wouldn't have felt that was a 'safe environment' if I were a customer there!

As for the staff still serving; I've worked behind bars, and with that amount of crowd, and that aggression in the room, I wouldn't want to be the bartender saying no. But if I were that manager, I would have shut down for the day out of respect for my staff not having to work in those conditions. Clearly this manager was more concerned about profits.
