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Response to EDL's Duty vs Our Antifa Duty

Our Antifascist Duty | 05.12.2009 10:35 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

Screenshots from the latest EDL Nottigham promo, counter posed with an autonomous antifa message.

EDL's Duty? Protect and server the ruling class
EDL's Duty? Protect and server the ruling class

Antifa Duty? Fight against class oppression.
Antifa Duty? Fight against class oppression.

The EDL features a photo from WW1 with a tagline "They did their duty then..." next to an photo of "our boys" in Afghanistan with a tagline "They do their duty now." .. how moving!

Heres my version.

Our Antifascist Duty


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Our duty.

05.12.2009 12:52

Our duty is for antifa to confront the soldiers in Nottingham and sure them the power of the working class.
Antifa regard the army as being made up of middle class mummy's boys.


Try serving first before commenting

05.12.2009 21:18

I Hae served for the British Army for over 20 years. I have had friends die in my arms during combat. When I cam home and had seen how we allow Extremists to flourish here when they are banned in the countries im fighting is is amazing. I feel so let down by the government and the British Public and ask my self what was I fighting for? I came home and had a British flag in my car window, within days the car was smashed up and the ripped flag left on the bonnet. When will you people wake up to whats happening in this ruined country and stop supporting the left communist extreme? Its just unreal.

J Tommington

What did your comrades die for?

05.12.2009 22:53

Tell me this, do you honestly believe that the politicians who sent you to war actually give two fucks about you? Do you think they care about the hundreds of soldiers that died, for the hundreds of ex-soldiers who end up drinking themselves to death or dying through homelessness and suicides.

This is why people on this site we will NEVER fight for this country or any country but we will fight for what is important for those around us, others we have common ground with - i.e .the majority of working class people. This is why we are against the flag waving, nationalism of the EDL - because they are falling for a trap that this government and all political parties have set. The Labour Party loves the EDL, they are their boot boys spreading nationalist support for the British Army, excellent! Maybe the Labour Party might get more young lads recruited to the British Army to go and fight their wars. nice one EDL. Remember it was the Labour Party, supported by all the other parties, that started this idea of the "War on Terrorism", how much of our civil liberties have been taken away from us because of this threat that they have used the media to push onto the rest of us. And yes, I agree that their is a problem with Islam, I think Islam and all religion is a load of old bollocks - but the same reason that young asian lads are going to mad mullah islam, the same as young white lads are going towards extreme-far right nutters, EDL included. Both sets of groups looking to unite on some fake ultra-nationalist, ultra-religious MYTH. Its been said before but the ONLY thing we can ever be united against is the ruling elite, the employers, the landowners, the media outlets and the state.


Anarchist Antifa


05.12.2009 23:29

To anyone reading that comment, it is NOT from antifa - just some prick posting garbage. Only thing official from Antifa is on their website -- bit like the EDL policy on official sources ;-)

Anarchist Antifa

Sorry to say it, but you've been shafted, J Tommington

05.12.2009 23:46

I'm sure you have risked your life and seen a lot of horrific things as a soldier, but at the end of the day you have been sold a lie and shafted by the politicians and the corporations that pull their strings.

They don't really give a shit about you, you are just cannon fodder to them. It's all about power and control to them.

I know many former squaddies and they are all very cynical about it and realise they were just being used. Probably partly the kind of people I mix with, I'm sure there must be some who still swallow the government's brainwashing.


Our Duty to Oppose the Army

06.12.2009 11:11

A few of us did try to oppose the Army when they paraded in Nottingham but most of the "left" did not want to know. The fact that it was necessary to oppose EDL on the same day was no good excuse because the Army parade was before the anti-EDL action got going.

We wanted to leaflet the troops at the end of their march with a leaflet headed 'Bad War, Don't Fight!' but the police surrounded us and threatened arrest. We said that Government propaganda claimed that "our boys" are fighting in Afghanistan to preserve our civil liberties - such as protesting - but the police said we couldn't have any today.

For about the last two years there has been a massive Government and Media propaganda campaign to drum up support for the British Armed Forces - especially the Army - and it has been a great success. Opinion polls show that many people are against the war but this is because of the rising number of British deaths; not because British forces have killed many thousands of Afghanis trying to defend their country against a foreign invasion.

Meanwhile the "left", including the Stop the War Coalition, have for opportunistic reasons avoided confronting the Army. They are afraid of upsetting public opinion. Particularly through its Military Families Against the War wing, the Stop the War Coalition have pushed the SWP line that the soldiers are a grand bunch of lads who cannot be held to account for the murderous wars they have been waging. It's all the fault of the politicians, they say.

This line is no good because it plays into the hands of the enemy. Military Families Against the War have complained that the soldiers are not properly equipped and protected against those they seek to oppress. This is a claim which has been taken up by the media and politicians - not enough helicopters, etc. Yes, if the lads are better equipped they can kill more resistance fighters.

It is necessary to launch a counter-campaign against the British Army both to incite disaffection and expose their true, murderous nature to the public at large. In and around Nottingham there is a concentration of military establishments - (see the Notts Anti-Militarism list) - so it is easy for us to go to them instead of waiting for the next victory parade.

Who's up for it?



06.12.2009 15:27

The Antifa poster is nice but it's not clear what the picture on the left is about.

"J Tommington" sounds like a troll to me. You've had friends die in your arms in combat have you? Yeah right, sounds dramatic, like just like in fiction.

OK "J", tell us which of the wars you've fought in were actually about Britain defending itself from attack rather than Britain trying to secure more than its fair share of the world's resources or trying to shape a world economy that is rigged in our favour at the expense of poor countries.

I know that Ross's view doesn't seem too popular right now, but I for one agree with him.


photo on left

06.12.2009 19:32

The photo is from the cable street riots againsts the black shirts

London Anarchist

listen to the EDL!

06.12.2009 21:39

.. cos they are talking what most people think even if most people probably don't like the way they behave. Yes it is true that soldiers are conned but if you attack them not their bosses you pitch yorself against the w/c cos this is where soldiers come from. the sort of people who are in the EDL show be on our side .. to simply attack them as 'fascists' ( when they are clearly not though their movement could become fascist is we are stupid enough) is idiocy of the highest order

btw j tommingham is maybe Tommy Robinson one of the leaders of the EDL .. he needs to wonder about what EDLs function is today. they have rightly made the point about islamists and sharia ( and that the SWP are mugs) but they are simply dividing the w/c at a time we need to be united


We Refuse To Suck The EDL C0ck!!!

07.12.2009 00:32

On every thread about the EDL on Notts Indymedia, going under the name of Durruti02 (and other pseudonyms), Trevor KKKelway has pretended to be a half-baked antifascist who wants us to think that the EDL "make good points about Sharia law and Islamification".

Chanting "p*kis out!" and "no more mosques", the troll presumes.

Of course Durruti02 will deny he is KKKelway, the British Far Right deny the holocaust, so lies come naturally to these cretins.

Enough liberal political correctness. We'll call nazis nazis, and ensure they cannot

Devious pricks like KKKelway would want us to suck the EDL's brewers droop-flaccid penises like they were the most genial beings on the planet since Mother Teresa.

No my fuckin' arse I will not stand by, watering down my stance against hardcore comba18 seik-heiling neo-nazis just because an undercover co-leader of the EDL told me to do so. Whenever the EDL go unchallenged, such as their early marches, they conducted racial attacks against all on sundry with no back-up or protection for minorities out shopping and at the baying mercy of these evil gangs of racist football hooligans.

I firmly believe in freedom of speech, and yes, religious extremists suck as well as the british far right but whoever's bright idea it was to organise armies of masked drunken football hooligans as protestors wants to have their bleedin' head examined, and better still, should invest in a two-for-one offer of a full frontal labotomy and a deep cavity enema.

Dogs bark, cows moo, sheep baa, and racist football hooligans make racist remarks, salute to Adolf Hitler and fight anybody who they don't like the look of.

As far as British white supremacy goes, the EDL really are a liability, and if I was Kelway, I would disband them asas and pretend the EDL never existed.

It's all gonna end in tears, darling!

Instead of trolling Indymedia, KKKelway, logon to Stormfront where there is an in-depth discussion going on about Page15 of Mein Kamph.

And for the rest of you, sweet dreams, sleep tight, and ignore the keyboard neo-nazi trolls who go "click" in the night!!!!!!

No antifascists or antiracists will

Troll Crusha!


07.12.2009 14:56

Durruti02 posts on U75.


Wrong its not a troll

07.12.2009 22:16

Unfortunately Durutti is a real person and an anarchist, though I disagree with what he says he's not a troll or Trevor Kelway.

Friends of Durruti

yes i am no troll

08.12.2009 11:05

.. and thank you jj and 'friends of durruti' saying for that .. and troll krusha/dave you have shown yourself up frankly

the fact is there is a strong current who strongly believe, and have direct experiance of anti fascism, that the strategy has not and will not work this
(which has another thread currently on indy)

i myself was involved with ANL back inthe 7ts and AFA in the 8ts and entirely agree with their analysis that led to the creation of the IWCA ..

this knee jerk anti fascism that thinks it can do without the w/c is deeply flawed and it is sad that so called anti-fascists try to smear those who disagree with it as fascists ..


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