Anarchist Prisoner News
A/bolitionist | 05.12.2009 00:39 | Repression | Social Struggles | World
7.5 years to anarchist comrade Elias Nikolaou! (Greece)
Jurgen and Paolo are free! (Belgium)
Solidarity with Mindaugus Lenartavicius - Smash RBS (UK)
Arrests in Milan and Verona (Italy)
Solidarity with Toby (Germany)
Jurgen and Paolo are free! (Belgium)
Solidarity with Mindaugus Lenartavicius - Smash RBS (UK)
Arrests in Milan and Verona (Italy)
Solidarity with Toby (Germany)
7.5 years to anarchist comrade Elias Nikolaou! (Greece)
7 and a half years’ imprisonment imposed by the Grand Jury in Thessaloniki on 26year old Elias Nikolaou, for the explosion of improvised incendiary devices outside the building of the Municipal Police in Evosmos, 2 on the morning of January 13, 2009. The Court decided to suspend the right to appeal.
After a hearing of two days, which ended late Thursday afternoon, the court found the 26year old guilty of possession of explosives (unanimously) and explosion hazard to people and things (a majority of 4-3 votes), and recognized mitigating circumstances in his former good character.
In his defense the 26 year old denied the charges, saying that a conspiracy was set up by the police against those of the antiauthoritarian movement. Members of the antiauthoritarian movement on the side of the accused, denounced the court’s verdict, shouting slogans, while the withdrawal was completed without problems.
Meanwhile, the Alternative Initiative of the Thessaloniki Bar, announced its strong condemnation of police presence at the Court to mark the trial of Elias Nicholaou. The provocative presence led to abuse and civil rights lawyers recalled trials conducted in the emergency Military Courts of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile and the Military Courts of the Turkish junta.
Indeed, outside the Chamber of the trial there were two sets of riotcops prohibiting entry to those who were not “liked” it said in the communication, and even lawyers had to show their identity in four consecutive “blocks” in order to enter.
Jurgen and Paolo are free! (Belgium)
This morning (Wednesday 2 December) the sentence in the trial against Jurgen and Paolo was given: both were accused of a number of fires in the night between 6 and 7 October, resulting in a 12 months suspended sentence for Jurgen and 6 months suspended for Paolo.
A few hours later they left Gent prison.
From Cette Semaine
Solidarity with Mindaugus Lenartavicius - Smash RBS (UK)
The facts are well known; the theatre of the London G20, the policing arena which left one man dead and scores injured was a spectacle of state/media hype and constructed ‘disorder’. Already April is remembered only for the lies of the police and the ‘kettle’ trap which they set for anyone intending to voice their discontent with an economic system which has betrayed and exploited people everywhere.
Protesters wanted for ‘offences’ at the G20 continue to be pursued by the NETCU (National Extremist Tactical Co-ordination Unit) whilst the bankers continue to screw the people out of unimaginable sums of money.
Royal Bank of Scotland want to reward their fat cats with £1.5 billion pounds worth of bonuses this year from the ‘public purse’, whilst a young man who expressed shared common anger in a demonstration, is rewarded with 2 years of jail for a ‘crime’ which has been made the lynch-pole of the repressive-legal farce.
It isn’t time to explain away or regret what happened, the moment demands solidarity and revenge…
Free Mindaugus Lenartavicius
Smash RBS
A few anarchists in UK
URGENT - If anyone comes across or knows Mindaugus’ prison details could they forward them to ABC Brighton. Thanks.
ABC Brighton
This article below is a re-post of a mainstream media article for the purpose of spreading what little info is known about the situation of Mindaugus.
Solidarity with all those under repression and fighting back.
From capitalist media:
Court heard Mindaugus Lenartavicius made repeated attempts to set blinds at Royal Bank of Scotland in City ablaze after fellow demonstrator had smashed windows.
A demonstrator at the G20 summit who tried to burn down a bank in the City of London at the height of clashes with police was today jailed for two years.
Mindaugus Lenartavicius, a Lithuanian, repeatedly attempted to set light to blinds at the Royal Bank of Scotland after a fellow protester had smashed windows.
CCTV footage showed Lenartavicius, hooded and wearing a balaclava, stepping back after each attempt to see whether the flames had caught.
Each time they failed to take hold, he stepped forward and tried to set fire to the blinds again.
Southwark crown court, in London, heard that, after he finally succeeded, smoke was “billowing” from the building, near the Bank of England in Threadneedle Street.
Charlotte Welsh, prosecuting, said his efforts resulted in nothing more than singed blinds and “scorching” to the ceiling.
The barrister added that despite attempts by Lenartavicius to conceal his identity, police relayed details of his distinctive studded hood to other officers and he was arrested a short time later.
He was searched, and a lighter and balaclava were found in his pocket.
The 22-year-old, who had been staying in a squat on the North Circular Road in Palmers Green, north London, admitted one count of arson on 1 April this year.
He was formally cleared at an earlier hearing of a similar charge accusing him of “being reckless as to whether life was endangered”.
Sentencing, Judge Geoffrey Rivlin QC said: “There is no doubt you helped to turn a peaceful protest into a violent and angry protest.
“Arson is always a serious matter, and this offence was committed in the full glare of massive publicity.”
Because Lenartavicius’s sentence is more than 12 months, he faces automatic deportation.
Welsh told the court the defendant had arrived from Lithuania days before the G20 protest and had planned to return immediately afterwards.
Oliver Wellings, defending, insisted his client was a “pacifist” and had not gone to the protest to cause trouble.
“His beliefs and his convictions were sincere, and at the outset it was a peaceful protest,” he said.
However, he was “swept away by the power of the mob, buy the power of the crowd and, perhaps, the glare of publicity. He suffered a momentary loss of control”..”
He said it was “not his intent to endanger life nor, indeed, did he believe danger would be caused,” Wellings said.
Arrests in Milan and Verona (Italy)
Five comrades were arrested in Milan on November 14 2009 and accused of robbery and of perpetrating violence . The episode had occurred when the comrades had refused to pay for some photocopies in the CUSL bookshop, the site of Comunione e Liberazione (CL) inside the Statale University in Milan. At the moment four of the comrades are under house arrest and one is being held in San Vittore prison.
CL is a right-wing catholic youth group, which has exercised a strong influence on the Italian political landscape since it was formed in the Seventies. Originally linked to the Christian-Democratic party of Giulio Andreotti, the politicians who governed Italy for forty years after the second world war, the ‘ciellini’ can be considered as one of the protagonists, along with the Vatican, the political apparatus and the mafia, of the scandals and obscure plots characterizing the Italian history from the late sixties to the early nineties: from the ‘strategy of terror’ to the Gladio, from the secret societies (notably Licio Gelli’s P2) to the attempted military coups.
It was to defend a meeting of CL that the police shot dead student Francesco Lorusso in Bologna in 1977. Still in Bologna, one of the most important university sites in Italy, CL runs a student housing racket by alluring students in need of accommodation into their organization. In the past the power of CL was more visible but even today their national meeting held in Rimini every year is scrupulously attended by all politicians who wants to have a say.
Free Sid, Paolino, Marcelo, Tia, Inez!
Pasquale and Luca were arrested on November 17 in Milan as a nazi skinhead denounced them for an alleged aggression occurred some time ago.
As habitués of football pitches, Italian skinheads show their strength of lions and ‘attack’ the police as if the latter was their enemy. But as soon as they sense a danger, and especially when faced with a street attack against their fascist arrogance, they turn into weeping lambs and call out the same police that it is obviously their ally rather than their enemy.
They are bullies when they cowardly assault immigrants, gypsies, homeless and gays, whom they regard as enemies of their idea of Italian identity. They even kill, as they did in Verona on May 1 2008 when they beat a boy to death because he had refused them a cigarette, and they do so because they have friends protecting them.
They go to students’ demos in order to take their belts off and strike at the comrades while surrounded by caring servants in uniform who always cover and protect them. They never miss the opportunity to denounce to the authority any action against them, be it true or made up by them.
They are very punctual, these lions on Sundays and lambs on the other days, to defame and denounce.
Just to make some examples: a comrade from Verona ended up in prison in October 2005 as a well-known nazi accused him of aggression whereas it was the nazi along with four other nazi pigs who had assaulted the comrade; in June 2009 the fascists of Casa Pound in Bologna called for the authority to charge with murder the responsible of an incendiary attack against the entrance of their front door.
Now the nazi scum sent two comrades from Verona to jail.
Free Pasquale and Luca!
Solidarity with Toby (Germany)
On the night of 15 November, three posh cars got torched in Friedrichshain, Berlin, as almost every night happens. However, the police arrested a younger comrade who they accuse of two of the arsons. They said he would have also carried gasoline for firelighters on himself. Straight away in the morning, some tabloid press published his pictures and full name and address, since he lives in a houseproject, the Liebig 14 (on the corner of Rigaerstrasse) which is due to be evicted.
Early in the afternoon they stormed this very houseproject and the Liebig34/XB (legally registered houseproject on the same street) with 150 cops and a lot of plainclothes police and criminal office bastards.
The raid took two hours, people gathered quite fast on the spot which got sealed off by the pigs
and the people attempted some demonstration. The situation is still kind of hot around here and these raids come after a long research paper was presented last week by the inner secret service about leftwing violence in Berlin and its potent rise, proposing new tactics how to stop the rise of direct actions and support in the society for.
Toby came in front of a judge but he was refused bail. Toby was also called previously to make declarations in the case of Alex which he refused to do and surely the pigs won’t let him go cause they need a new example for discouraging people.
The tabloid press keep doing their job and put his face and also the family in the front page, trying to creating a scandal since his father is a a politician for the radical left party. The house of his mom got also raided.
The raids in the houseprojects brought more or less nothing as it seems but were rather disorganised and just a show of muscle by the pigs to show that they can (is not very often that they make raid in houseprojects here).
On the 17th of November a spontaneous demo gathered in the evening in the district of Friedrichshain with about 1000 people under the motto “freedom for all prisoners” and against the raids and general climate, pigs were massively present and the demo got stopped previously by the comrades so to allow a bit of chaos in the district like barricades and smashing to confuse the pigs.
Another spontaneous demo gathered later on where the houses are, little scuffle with the pigs and so on.
A posh car got torched in another district, while the previous day the office of the socialdemocrat party got smashed in solidarity with Toby and seven Neonazi targets (private houses, meeting point and so on) got attacked in connection with an upcoming yearly demo for Silvio Meier, squatter and antifa stabbed to death in 1992 by the nazis in Friedrichshain
For sure, the climate in Berlin got rougher lately.
Toby’s prison address, you can write him in English.
He s happy about any sort of solidarity…
Tobias Poge
Buchungsnummer 3054/09/1
JVA Moabit
Alt Moabit 12A
10559 Berlin
7 and a half years’ imprisonment imposed by the Grand Jury in Thessaloniki on 26year old Elias Nikolaou, for the explosion of improvised incendiary devices outside the building of the Municipal Police in Evosmos, 2 on the morning of January 13, 2009. The Court decided to suspend the right to appeal.
After a hearing of two days, which ended late Thursday afternoon, the court found the 26year old guilty of possession of explosives (unanimously) and explosion hazard to people and things (a majority of 4-3 votes), and recognized mitigating circumstances in his former good character.
In his defense the 26 year old denied the charges, saying that a conspiracy was set up by the police against those of the antiauthoritarian movement. Members of the antiauthoritarian movement on the side of the accused, denounced the court’s verdict, shouting slogans, while the withdrawal was completed without problems.
Meanwhile, the Alternative Initiative of the Thessaloniki Bar, announced its strong condemnation of police presence at the Court to mark the trial of Elias Nicholaou. The provocative presence led to abuse and civil rights lawyers recalled trials conducted in the emergency Military Courts of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile and the Military Courts of the Turkish junta.
Indeed, outside the Chamber of the trial there were two sets of riotcops prohibiting entry to those who were not “liked” it said in the communication, and even lawyers had to show their identity in four consecutive “blocks” in order to enter.
Jurgen and Paolo are free! (Belgium)
This morning (Wednesday 2 December) the sentence in the trial against Jurgen and Paolo

A few hours later they left Gent prison.
From Cette Semaine
Solidarity with Mindaugus Lenartavicius - Smash RBS (UK)
The facts are well known; the theatre of the London G20, the policing arena which left one man dead and scores injured was a spectacle of state/media hype and constructed ‘disorder’. Already April is remembered only for the lies of the police and the ‘kettle’ trap which they set for anyone intending to voice their discontent with an economic system which has betrayed and exploited people everywhere.
Protesters wanted for ‘offences’ at the G20 continue to be pursued by the NETCU (National Extremist Tactical Co-ordination Unit) whilst the bankers continue to screw the people out of unimaginable sums of money.
Royal Bank of Scotland want to reward their fat cats with £1.5 billion pounds worth of bonuses this year from the ‘public purse’, whilst a young man who expressed shared common anger in a demonstration, is rewarded with 2 years of jail for a ‘crime’ which has been made the lynch-pole of the repressive-legal farce.
It isn’t time to explain away or regret what happened, the moment demands solidarity and revenge…
Free Mindaugus Lenartavicius
Smash RBS
A few anarchists in UK
URGENT - If anyone comes across or knows Mindaugus’ prison details could they forward them to ABC Brighton. Thanks.
ABC Brighton

This article below is a re-post of a mainstream media article for the purpose of spreading what little info is known about the situation of Mindaugus.
Solidarity with all those under repression and fighting back.
From capitalist media:
Court heard Mindaugus Lenartavicius made repeated attempts to set blinds at Royal Bank of Scotland in City ablaze after fellow demonstrator had smashed windows.
A demonstrator at the G20 summit who tried to burn down a bank in the City of London at the height of clashes with police was today jailed for two years.
Mindaugus Lenartavicius, a Lithuanian, repeatedly attempted to set light to blinds at the Royal Bank of Scotland after a fellow protester had smashed windows.
CCTV footage showed Lenartavicius, hooded and wearing a balaclava, stepping back after each attempt to see whether the flames had caught.
Each time they failed to take hold, he stepped forward and tried to set fire to the blinds again.
Southwark crown court, in London, heard that, after he finally succeeded, smoke was “billowing” from the building, near the Bank of England in Threadneedle Street.
Charlotte Welsh, prosecuting, said his efforts resulted in nothing more than singed blinds and “scorching” to the ceiling.
The barrister added that despite attempts by Lenartavicius to conceal his identity, police relayed details of his distinctive studded hood to other officers and he was arrested a short time later.
He was searched, and a lighter and balaclava were found in his pocket.
The 22-year-old, who had been staying in a squat on the North Circular Road in Palmers Green, north London, admitted one count of arson on 1 April this year.
He was formally cleared at an earlier hearing of a similar charge accusing him of “being reckless as to whether life was endangered”.
Sentencing, Judge Geoffrey Rivlin QC said: “There is no doubt you helped to turn a peaceful protest into a violent and angry protest.
“Arson is always a serious matter, and this offence was committed in the full glare of massive publicity.”
Because Lenartavicius’s sentence is more than 12 months, he faces automatic deportation.
Welsh told the court the defendant had arrived from Lithuania days before the G20 protest and had planned to return immediately afterwards.
Oliver Wellings, defending, insisted his client was a “pacifist” and had not gone to the protest to cause trouble.
“His beliefs and his convictions were sincere, and at the outset it was a peaceful protest,” he said.
However, he was “swept away by the power of the mob, buy the power of the crowd and, perhaps, the glare of publicity. He suffered a momentary loss of control”..”
He said it was “not his intent to endanger life nor, indeed, did he believe danger would be caused,” Wellings said.
Arrests in Milan and Verona (Italy)
Five comrades were arrested in Milan on November 14 2009 and accused of robbery and of perpetrating violence . The episode had occurred when the comrades had refused to pay for some photocopies in the CUSL bookshop, the site of Comunione e Liberazione (CL) inside the Statale University in Milan. At the moment four of the comrades are under house arrest and one is being held in San Vittore prison.
CL is a right-wing catholic youth group, which has exercised a strong influence on the Italian political landscape since it was formed in the Seventies. Originally linked to the Christian-Democratic party of Giulio Andreotti, the politicians who governed Italy for forty years after the second world war, the ‘ciellini’ can be considered as one of the protagonists, along with the Vatican, the political apparatus and the mafia, of the scandals and obscure plots characterizing the Italian history from the late sixties to the early nineties: from the ‘strategy of terror’ to the Gladio, from the secret societies (notably Licio Gelli’s P2) to the attempted military coups.
It was to defend a meeting of CL that the police shot dead student Francesco Lorusso in Bologna in 1977. Still in Bologna, one of the most important university sites in Italy, CL runs a student housing racket by alluring students in need of accommodation into their organization. In the past the power of CL was more visible but even today their national meeting held in Rimini every year is scrupulously attended by all politicians who wants to have a say.
Free Sid, Paolino, Marcelo, Tia, Inez!
Pasquale and Luca were arrested on November 17 in Milan as a nazi skinhead denounced them for an alleged aggression occurred some time ago.
As habitués of football pitches, Italian skinheads show their strength of lions and ‘attack’ the police as if the latter was their enemy. But as soon as they sense a danger, and especially when faced with a street attack against their fascist arrogance, they turn into weeping lambs and call out the same police that it is obviously their ally rather than their enemy.
They are bullies when they cowardly assault immigrants, gypsies, homeless and gays, whom they regard as enemies of their idea of Italian identity. They even kill, as they did in Verona on May 1 2008 when they beat a boy to death because he had refused them a cigarette, and they do so because they have friends protecting them.
They go to students’ demos in order to take their belts off and strike at the comrades while surrounded by caring servants in uniform who always cover and protect them. They never miss the opportunity to denounce to the authority any action against them, be it true or made up by them.
They are very punctual, these lions on Sundays and lambs on the other days, to defame and denounce.
Just to make some examples: a comrade from Verona ended up in prison in October 2005 as a well-known nazi accused him of aggression whereas it was the nazi along with four other nazi pigs who had assaulted the comrade; in June 2009 the fascists of Casa Pound in Bologna called for the authority to charge with murder the responsible of an incendiary attack against the entrance of their front door.
Now the nazi scum sent two comrades from Verona to jail.
Free Pasquale and Luca!
Solidarity with Toby (Germany)
On the night of 15 November, three posh cars got torched in Friedrichshain, Berlin, as almost every night happens. However, the police arrested a younger comrade who they accuse of two of the arsons. They said he would have also carried gasoline for firelighters on himself. Straight away in the morning, some tabloid press published his pictures and full name and address, since he lives in a houseproject, the Liebig 14 (on the corner of Rigaerstrasse) which is due to be evicted.
Early in the afternoon they stormed this very houseproject and the Liebig34/XB (legally registered houseproject on the same street) with 150 cops and a lot of plainclothes police and criminal office bastards.
The raid took two hours, people gathered quite fast on the spot which got sealed off by the pigs
and the people attempted some demonstration. The situation is still kind of hot around here and these raids come after a long research paper was presented last week by the inner secret service about leftwing violence in Berlin and its potent rise, proposing new tactics how to stop the rise of direct actions and support in the society for.
Toby came in front of a judge but he was refused bail. Toby was also called previously to make declarations in the case of Alex which he refused to do and surely the pigs won’t let him go cause they need a new example for discouraging people.
The tabloid press keep doing their job and put his face and also the family in the front page, trying to creating a scandal since his father is a a politician for the radical left party. The house of his mom got also raided.
The raids in the houseprojects brought more or less nothing as it seems but were rather disorganised and just a show of muscle by the pigs to show that they can (is not very often that they make raid in houseprojects here).
On the 17th of November a spontaneous demo gathered in the evening in the district of Friedrichshain with about 1000 people under the motto “freedom for all prisoners” and against the raids and general climate, pigs were massively present and the demo got stopped previously by the comrades so to allow a bit of chaos in the district like barricades and smashing to confuse the pigs.
Another spontaneous demo gathered later on where the houses are, little scuffle with the pigs and so on.
A posh car got torched in another district, while the previous day the office of the socialdemocrat party got smashed in solidarity with Toby and seven Neonazi targets (private houses, meeting point and so on) got attacked in connection with an upcoming yearly demo for Silvio Meier, squatter and antifa stabbed to death in 1992 by the nazis in Friedrichshain
For sure, the climate in Berlin got rougher lately.
Toby’s prison address, you can write him in English.
He s happy about any sort of solidarity…
Tobias Poge
Buchungsnummer 3054/09/1
JVA Moabit
Alt Moabit 12A
10559 Berlin
