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Obama surrendered to the Taliban At West Point.

Jim Flint | 03.12.2009 15:31

He even told them the date on which he will leave the battlefield.

Obama surrenders
Obama surrenders

This was a wise decision as no army can defeat an insurgency like the one in Afghanistan without killing or displacing 90% of the people or more.

Obama was never going to be able to do that.

So we can be content to declare victory and pull out.

The civil war that will follow need not be reported in our freedom loving corporate press.

So all’s well that ends well.

Except that the Pakistani government will go fundamentalist because of all the drone bombings and other upcoming raids and slaughters by our private army Xe Services LLC.

Then we will have three antagonistic theocracies with nuclear weapons.

Israel, Iran and Pakistan.

The lunatics of these fundamentalist countries will eventually bumble into nuclear war.

Jim Flint