Saturday's Events and The Stop the War Coalition
John Shemeld | 03.12.2009 12:41
This is a copy of a letter sent to the Nottingham Evening Post. I'm putting it here just in case it's cut or not published at all.
As Nottingham Coordinator of the Stop the War Coalition I am writing to say that we share in the relief at the safe return of the Mercian Regiment, and in the sorrow for those who did not make it. It would be such a shame if the parade on Saturday were used by politicians to try to drum up support for prolonging what is clearly an unwinnable war.
We are glad to see them back - don't send them again!
Nottingham Stop the War Coalition will not be demonstrating at the Mercian's parade, but we will be joining the protest against the so-called English Defence League (EDL) visiting Nottingham. Their demonisation of the Muslim community is yet another direct consequence of these futile wars in the Middle East. The EDL's insistence that they are not racist because they attack Muslims, make them sound even more like Oswald Moseley's very English Blackshirts and their scapegoating of Jews.
Join us in the Market Square on Saturday!
Stop the War Coalition Nottingham Coordinator
John Shemeld
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