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War & Piss

Davy King | 01.12.2009 22:12 | Sheffield

As usual, the mainstream news condemns a minor act of so-called vandalism/ desecration , while condoning major war crimes.....


Dishonorable discharge?

Much indignation when a drunken student (hardly an oxymoron) urinated on a War Memorial recently (Sheffield, 11th October 2009).

Funnily enough, 19 year old Philip Laing had been on the aptly-named “Carnage” pub crawl for students, which is perhaps preferable to participating in the actual carnage of war. Bear in mind how many soldiers of his age & even younger have died in bloody pointless battle.

Why is relieving nature on an inanimate object, whatever its symbolic significance, considered more offensive than war itself where throughout the ages countless millions have lost their lives? Isn't making water better than making war?

See full piece/peace here:

Davy King
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01.12.2009 22:59

because humans have succumbed to such indocrination which has rendered them mindless (thoughtless, lacking real feeling, subject to master etc) did you really need ask?


war and piss

01.12.2009 23:27

Another take on this - albeit a lesser one is that - also, perhaps...JUST perhaps...IF there were more public toilets in city centres then maybe -just idiot who has come out of a pub without going to the kazi or has drunk more than a bottle full...just MIGHT go to a public toilet instead of a red poppy wreath memorial....unlikely I admit, but POSSIBLE.

Maybe - the kid was trying to make a point, huh?

pist off

pissing up the right tree

02.12.2009 00:34

There may well be valid points here..



02.12.2009 13:18

the main reason I have found is because it cant fight back, it's something someone cares about and stands for those who have died. If you piss on that then it's SOOOOOO funny.

I think wrapping it up in high minded ideals detracts from the fact that these idiots are just anouther example of a few more morals are needed in this country.

Wether it is pissing on the memories of others or the hopes and dreams of everyone then it must be stopped. A long term of public memorial scrubbing should do the trick - whoever you are.

anon history student


02.12.2009 15:53

Pissing on a war memorial is a calculated protestation of heresy against the military-industrial complex.

The recusant should have been excommunicated and then burnt on a mobile phone mast.

anon theology student, st. bildeburg's college