Non Commercial House is still here!
noncommercialhouse | 26.11.2009 12:08 | Free Spaces
Non Commercial House is a squatted autonomous FreeShop space on 165 Commercial Street, London. The Corporation of London (The city of london council that owns the building, booooh) want us out, so they took us to court and won. Of course, they haven't got any plan with the building and will probably let it rot for another couple of years... But we resisted the first eviction and we are still here and we are planning to make the best use of the space until the last hour we have it!!
Non Commercial House is a squatted autonomous space on 165 Commercial Street, London, E1 (next to Bishopsgate, Liverpool st tube station) This place is basically a giant Free Shop, for people to share, recycle what they dont need, take what they need. It is an amazing and very succesful project that started 5 months ago. It is also a very uplifting example of an anti-capitalist and anti-hierarchy pro-active stand. Not only rejecting what we see as a source of misery in our world (capitalism and all that...) but creating alternatives, directly, with our own tiny little hands! Direct action as a bunch of people simply getting together and doing what they want to do, and having fun doing it! :)
It is opened to the public from Friday to Sunday 12-8pm.
The Corporation of London (The city of london council that owns the building) want us out, so they took us to court and won. Of course, they haven't got any plan with the building and will probably let it rot for another couple of years... But we resisted the first eviction and we are still here and we are planning to make the best use of the space until the last hour we have it!!
We will start a monthly Queer movie night, every first Thursday of the month. First movie night is Thursday december the 3rd, 8pm, we will show "Breakfast on Pluto" by Neil Jordan
Other future events can be seen here:
So come round and have a browse in the Free Shop! Bring anything that you want to get rid of, other people will love it!
If you have any idea on how to use the space you're very welcome to:
Want to share any sort of skill (language, handycraft, art, DIY...)?
=> you can put on a workshop!
A movie you love?
=> screen it and share it at NCH! etc.
If you're interested in getting involved and helping opening the shop, drop us a line at! you can also come to our weekly meeting every tuesday at 7pm.
hope to see you soon!
The Non Commercial House collective
Bring items you no longer require that are clogging up your home. Take stuff you need that someone else has abandoned.
Opening hours: Fri-Sun 12 - 8 PM
Collective meetings every Tuesday 7 PM
Address: 165 Commercial Street E1 (next to Bishopsgate, Liverpool st tube station)
It is opened to the public from Friday to Sunday 12-8pm.
The Corporation of London (The city of london council that owns the building) want us out, so they took us to court and won. Of course, they haven't got any plan with the building and will probably let it rot for another couple of years... But we resisted the first eviction and we are still here and we are planning to make the best use of the space until the last hour we have it!!
We will start a monthly Queer movie night, every first Thursday of the month. First movie night is Thursday december the 3rd, 8pm, we will show "Breakfast on Pluto" by Neil Jordan

Other future events can be seen here:

So come round and have a browse in the Free Shop! Bring anything that you want to get rid of, other people will love it!
If you have any idea on how to use the space you're very welcome to:
Want to share any sort of skill (language, handycraft, art, DIY...)?
=> you can put on a workshop!
A movie you love?
=> screen it and share it at NCH! etc.
If you're interested in getting involved and helping opening the shop, drop us a line at! you can also come to our weekly meeting every tuesday at 7pm.
hope to see you soon!
The Non Commercial House collective
Bring items you no longer require that are clogging up your home. Take stuff you need that someone else has abandoned.
Opening hours: Fri-Sun 12 - 8 PM
Collective meetings every Tuesday 7 PM
Address: 165 Commercial Street E1 (next to Bishopsgate, Liverpool st tube station)

