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Lets Start a Food Not Bombs chapter in Hackney, London!

fnblondon | 26.11.2009 00:58 | Free Spaces

We want to start a new chapter of Food Not Bombs in Hackney, London. Skipping food, cooking it in a amazing occupied space and giving it for free in the street!




Have you heard of Food not Bombs?

One of the best idea of the past 30 years! very simple: a bunch of people getting together, getting vegetables and other stuff from bins or donated, cooking it altogether and giving it for free to anyone in the streets!!

How simpler, better and more rewarding could it be? Using waste of capitalism and surplus production to feed people you've never seen before with delicious vegan food :)

There used to be very active Food Not Bombs groups in London but things became less regular now.

A bunch of us would like to get things started again!
We have a great place to cook (an amazing space in Hackney), we've got most of the cooking gear, we've got places where to skip and get food from... all we need is people and energy!

If you're interested, come to the meeting on the 10th of december 8pm, 195 Mare St, Hackney.

Let's try to keep the meeting short!
This is what we thought we could talk about and get on with the real thing:
- What is Food not Bombs for us, why doing it? We're probably interested in the FNB project for a lot of different reasons, and thats great! we just thought that talking about it and knowing where other people stand is a nice way to start.
- What does it mean practically to do FNB? (things like skipping, making sure that the place where we cook is accessible, cooking, serving and very important: the cleaning!!)
- when do we start doing it!?!? and how frequently!?

Bring food to share!!

Examples of london FNB actions in the past:

- e-mail:
- Homepage: http://


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Remember crisis at christmas was started originally by anarchist squatters too.

27.11.2009 10:17

Remember also that homeless charity crisis at christmas was started by anarchist squatters too when it started way back in 1971. But it has long since forgotton its roots and has become a big businesss charity more interested in making money than actually helping the homeless. So many we should start an automous crisis at christmas.

Disillusioned with homeless charities

Hells yeah!

27.11.2009 18:12

Sounds like an excellent idea. I'm up for it. See you at the meeting!



27.11.2009 18:58

I think there's something wrong with the server, it keeps deleting comments. Mine has gone down the toilet and I think a couple more might have gone too. Hope it's just a bug and not anything more sinister - knowing the attention Indymedia gets from the police state I wouldnt put it past them to hack the site and randomly delete peoples comments.

Anyway I hope someone manages to organise an event despite the hackers or the bug or whatever it is.


how to see the hidden comments

30.11.2009 21:07

Comments are rarely deleted from Indymedia totally - only if they contain personal details or illegal incitement that could get Indymedia's servers seized.

More usually they are hidden - generally if they are comments from trolls or fans of hierarchical politics, but also relies to these kind of posts, which can be annoying if you spend ages on a well-thought-out rebuttal of a point.

To see the "hidden" comments, display the non-hidden comments and then in the URL of the page, where it says ?c=on#comments, change it to ?c=all#comments. Then you see the hidden comments with a darker background and HIDDEN written across them.

So for example the hidden comments to this story can be seen at:

Sometimes you get some real gems in there amongst the turds.
