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The whitewash in the Iraq war inquiry is already in place.

Tim Peters | 23.11.2009 16:57

The whitewash, as usual, is in ‘The Terms of Reference.’

I'm the best whitewasher
I'm the best whitewasher

Blair’s guilt for misleading the Parliament and the people in order to start an illegal war and murder 600,000 people will not be examined because “The Terms of Reference” made up by Brown and reported by him to Parliament on 15 June 2009, state “The committee will not set out to apportion blame or consider issues of civil or criminal liability.”

Misleading Parliament is a criminal and civil offence.

Brown’s guilt for putting our troops in harms way without the proper arms and equipment will also be covered up by the above “Term of Reference”.

The inquiry may be fully independent of Government, its scope unprecedented and have full access to the fullest range of information, including secret information but it is all useless as the information will be outside the “Terms of Reference” and will be examined in private and not referred in the final report.

Job well done, Chilcot, old boy..

We can all go home – except the dead.

Tim Peters


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lack of understanding?

24.11.2009 11:52

I know I am being silly but has anyone thourght that waiting until AFTER the result has come in would be better than guessing? Or even worse prejudging it?

The source info cannot be released publicly as there are people still in place that gave us this info, if the info is released then they will be killed. simplistic, yes, very sorry but sometimes you have to be.

I am disapointed that the committee dos'nt have legal powers but it is a start, the legitimacy issue is one that can follow if there is a discrepancy in the reasons stated at the time and the findings.

I do worry sometimes that people just want the result that they believe to be the truth, despite the reality.

anon by right

No point!

24.11.2009 16:03

There is no point in second guessing the outcomes of the report. Predicting another government whitewash is equally as depressing as being patient, reading it and then discovering the inevitable whitewash for oneself.

I don't really see how specific individuals can be held accountable anyway. It depresses me more to think that society let this happen than anything else. Politicians unnaccountable? Not acting in our best interest? Peddling lies, deceit and manipulation? Hardly breaking news, politicians cannot be trusted to run countries unless the population holds them to account and we are simply too apathetic, selfish, distracted and idle to do this effectively. A large proportion of people who criticise the governments role in this war were quite happy for the killing to continue at the time or at least did nothing to try to prevent it and I find it hard to separate the two things.

Oh god now I'm depressed.......again.....

General Degenerate


24.11.2009 21:14

"A large proportion of people who criticise the governments role in this war were quite happy for the killing to continue at the time or at least did nothing to try to prevent it and I find it hard to separate the two things."

This is Labours Britain.

The people marched but they unknowingly marched under a red flag. They complained but the complaints were unknowingly edited by a red editor. They spoke publicly on the internet but, unknowingly, a red army interferred, they tried to broadcast their voice but the microphone was unknowingly red.

The people did EVERYTHING THEY COULD, but the full stop at the end was always a red one. Such was the collusion, such was the crime, such was the intent.

The war was a deliberate enterprise from the start. This enquiry is simply its closing swan-song.

You have been had, had and had again.

This is Labours Britain.

General Apathy.

Optimistic would be an understatement...

25.11.2009 09:39

... to describe folks who hope that this will not be a whitewash. Do please read ex-ambassador Craig Murray's analysis of the enquiry members, which should put your yearning to sleep:
