Prosperity Without Growth
Alex Smith/Radio Ecoshock | 22.11.2009 18:23 | Analysis | Ecology | Energy Crisis
Professor Tim Jackson, advisor to UK government (Sustainability Commissioner). New book on "Prosperity Without Growth, Economics for a Finite Planet" does't duck challenges of peak oil, climate, economic crisis. Redefining "prosperity" beyond GDP. Interview from Ecoshock Show 091120 22 min
Addiction to growth hasn't worked. The rich just get richer, while the rest of us get poorer. Not to mention the abject poverty of the majority of the world's people, living outside the golden net of Western power. We've paved over the best farm lands, and we're still not happy.
Tim Jackson says we can remove the cancer of growth, and still survive - with a new idea of what prosperity really is. He's one of the brightest of the new economists, and a top level advisor to the British government. Jackson's thick report to the UK, full of econo-talk, has been boiled down into a new book for the rest of us, called "Prosperity Without Growth" We're lucky to get him on the phone, for an interview, for Radio Ecoshock (
Tim Jackson says we can remove the cancer of growth, and still survive - with a new idea of what prosperity really is. He's one of the brightest of the new economists, and a top level advisor to the British government. Jackson's thick report to the UK, full of econo-talk, has been boiled down into a new book for the rest of us, called "Prosperity Without Growth" We're lucky to get him on the phone, for an interview, for Radio Ecoshock (
Alex Smith/Radio Ecoshock