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How do I make money now?

Richard Gunner | 21.11.2009 14:45

AIPAC to give course to ‘Friends of Israel’ in Britain.

How do I make money now?
How do I make money now?

This course involves instructions in nobbling politicians with bribery, intimidation,and threats.

The AIPAC has become the most feared and effective political lobby in Washington.

It can instruct most members of the Senate and Congress to vote for or against anything it wants.

The politicians are first bribed and if they do not do as they are told, they are threatened and intimidated.

The threats involve a public campaign against the politician, by the likes of Goebbels Murdoch and his gang, investigations, being de-selected or having a strong and well financed candidate put up against them.

By the time the next government is in place in Britain the “friends of Israel” will have picked the ministers and set the policies.

Why bother having an election at all.

Cameron is afraid of his life of the “friends of Israel”.

Zabludowicz, Kalms and Polak should be allowed into Downing Street and let them run the country, openly.

Richard Gunner