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Bankrupt the BNP!

(A) Sab x | 19.11.2009 08:32 | Anti-racism

Just came across this on another IMC site - might be worth doing as the BNP are already on the verge of bankrupcy! (a group I belong to subscribe to their e-newsletters, and everyone is a desperate plea for more cash)

Well, maybe not quite bankrupt, but folks in the UK can help make this bunch of fascists considerably poorer.

They've just got themselves a freepost address:

British Heritage FREEPOST

Nice and easy to remember eh? Every 'letter' to this address costs them 42p, and can simply be an empty envelope with the address on it. It's cheap to buy a bunch of these (you can get 50 self-seal ones for 75p from Wilkos) and run them through your printer while you're off doing far more interesting things. A friend has so far sent 1250 envelopes, costing the fash over 500 quid. That's less than £20 of my mate's hard-earned cash very well spent!

Please feel free to join in.

(A) Sab x


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Good Idea

19.11.2009 08:47

Apparently Royal Mail will deliver anything with an address on it, (to a freepost address), so cheap envelopes are good....but maybe something a bit heavier might be even more effective?

I heard a rumour that our friends at "British Heritage" are collecting broken fridges, washing machines and cookers...although remember this is just a rumour, so please confirm with them before sending them anything as they might not actually want people posting them heavy broken kitchenware ;)

Keep Struggling

A slight wrinkle

19.11.2009 09:26

I like it :-) However, I believe that the receiver of the mail can say "This month I've had so many posts that are 'abuse'." - these are then deducted from the bill - I believe though only up to a point so the idea is still a good one. :-)

A suggestion is to make sure the envelopes look different (Handwriting envelopes obviously has issues)! Then the fasch have to open each one just in case it is relevent to their grubby activities!

If the address is run by Dowson - I wonder would the bill be going to the BNP or Dowson?


smash em

19.11.2009 19:43

nice one i like it



19.11.2009 20:38

what, yo ujust write British Heritage Freepost and it gets there?


British Heritage FREEPOST,no numbers,

19.11.2009 22:44

if any1 at Royal Mail can confirm wether BNP have to definetely pay extra on excess numbers & wether its just letters or parcels that would help, I bet its just letters


postman pat

23.11.2009 11:29

Excellent idea, and sending mail to a freepost address is NOT a crime.

Now I have something to do with those thousand envelopes I found
