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Leeds: Derelict School Reclaimed for the Communty - court case Monday

A supporter of the Royal Park School occupation | 18.11.2009 22:46 | Free Spaces

A closed down and derelict school under threat of demolition has been occupied by local community members and reclaimed for the communty.

They have carried out badly needed repairs and opened up the space for community events including circus skills workshops, a jumble sale and more.

Tonight's public meeting was called to discuss the sudden news of a court case to evict the occupiers on Monday (23rd Nov).

LATEST NEWS and details of ongoing events here:

See the original Northern Indymedia article on the occupation here:

Local paper covers the story positively:

and again here:

The building's future hangs on a knife edge as the date for the court case regarding eviction is this coming Monday 23rd Nov.

To support the occupation, please write to

Alternatively come round any time, if you're in the area.

Plenty of info at the website:

A supporter of the Royal Park School occupation
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Re-new the cttee to maintain Old heritage buildings.

19.11.2009 01:01

William Morris got tired of seeing old worthy architecture being torn down and cheap money quick buildings being put in their place. The Hammersmith and socialist fed at the time formed a comittee to restore old buildings that were worthy of saving for the countries heritage sights. In that he gained huge support and a large following throughout the British Isles. Even in those olden days the people were not afraid to use any and all ways to win the day. That is why England has so many old and worthy buildings around, which tie the people to the better things of life, and give cultural pride to the peoples.
