Urgent Action: stop deportation of mother and baby
NCADC-North | 17.11.2009 08:06 | Anti-racism | Migration
Last week a passenger protest saved Rose-Jane and baby Natale from deportation, when some passengers on the Nairobi-bound flight refused to fasten their safety belts after receiving leaflets at Heathrow. But now the Home Office is trying again. Another deportation attempt is set for Wednesday 18th November. Please help.
This is the FIFTH time Rose-Jane and baby Natale have been put through this inhuman treatment. Please do what you can to help. Ask British Airways not to accept these passengers - they are in real danger. Ask the Home Secretary to reconsider - a mother and daughter are at risk of genital mutilation, or worse. The more emails, faxes, phone calls we send, the more chance we have of saving Rose-Jane and Natale.
If you are able, please go to Heathrow on Wednesday to leaflet passengers, asking them for help - it worked last week, it could work again on Wednesday. Contact Dee at New Routes for leaflets. Email: newroutes "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk
If you can't get to Heathrow, please see below for other ways to help.
Background info:
Rose Jane & baby Natlale, were snatched from their Home in Hyde, Cheshire on Sunday 1st of November. An attempt to remove them on Wednesday 4th November failed, when Rose Jane refused to fly. Mother and child are currently in Yarl's Wood IRC, and new removal directions have been set for Wednesday 18th November from London Heathrow terminal 5 on British Airways Flight BA65 @10:00 to Nairobi.
Rose Jane is a Christian who comes from the Mathare district of Nairobi, Kenya, where she was a teacher. Her late husband became involved with the Mungiki sect an outlawed sect in Nairobi in late 2005 and took the Mungiki oath. Her late husband wanted her to join the sect, which would amongst other things result in her having to undergo female genital mutilation. She refused and fled, he later died. She has a daughter Natale who was born in the UK. If she is returned to Kenya she fears that her daughter and herself would be forced to go through female genital mutilation and persecution at the hands of the Mungiki.
The home office have reports of members of the Mungiki sect dated 8th November 2006 describing how they hacked 4 people to death in Nairobi, the home office are aware that the Mungiki seek to impose Female Genital Mutilation and other forms of violence on women and children, this includes wives, partners, children and other female family members of those men who have taken the Mungiki oath. The home office also is aware that there is evidence of the Mungiki imposing political and cultural beliefs upon others.
What you can do to help:
1) If you are able, please go to Heathrow on Wednesday to leaflet passengers, asking them for help - it worked last week, it could work again on Wednesday. Contact Dee Robinson at New Routes for leaflets email:
2) Email/Phone Willie Walsh, Chief Executive Officer British Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Rose-Jane & Natale. Please download the letter :
http://j.mp/RosejaneBA (word doc). You can copy, amend or write your own version and add your address at the top - if you do please include all the following details: Please do not remove, Rose-Jane Wanjohi and her daughter Natale, due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Wednesday 18th November from London Heathrow terminal 5 on British Airways Flight BA65 @10:00 to Nairobi.
Online Contact customer relations:
Customer Relations phone: 0844 493 0 787 Monday-Friday 08:00-18:30 (hold line till operator answers)
3) Email/Fax, Rt. Hon. Alan Johnson MP Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Ms. Rosejane Wanjohi HO ref. W1119087 and daughter Natale, be granted protection in the UK. Please download "model letter"
http://j.mp/RosejaneAJ (word doc) which you can copy/amend/write your own version (if you do so, please remember to include their HO ref W1119087)
Fax: 020 8760 3132(00 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)
"CIT - Treat Official"
If you are able, please go to Heathrow on Wednesday to leaflet passengers, asking them for help - it worked last week, it could work again on Wednesday. Contact Dee at New Routes for leaflets. Email: newroutes "at" tiscali "dot" co "dot" uk
If you can't get to Heathrow, please see below for other ways to help.
Background info:
Rose Jane & baby Natlale, were snatched from their Home in Hyde, Cheshire on Sunday 1st of November. An attempt to remove them on Wednesday 4th November failed, when Rose Jane refused to fly. Mother and child are currently in Yarl's Wood IRC, and new removal directions have been set for Wednesday 18th November from London Heathrow terminal 5 on British Airways Flight BA65 @10:00 to Nairobi.
Rose Jane is a Christian who comes from the Mathare district of Nairobi, Kenya, where she was a teacher. Her late husband became involved with the Mungiki sect an outlawed sect in Nairobi in late 2005 and took the Mungiki oath. Her late husband wanted her to join the sect, which would amongst other things result in her having to undergo female genital mutilation. She refused and fled, he later died. She has a daughter Natale who was born in the UK. If she is returned to Kenya she fears that her daughter and herself would be forced to go through female genital mutilation and persecution at the hands of the Mungiki.
The home office have reports of members of the Mungiki sect dated 8th November 2006 describing how they hacked 4 people to death in Nairobi, the home office are aware that the Mungiki seek to impose Female Genital Mutilation and other forms of violence on women and children, this includes wives, partners, children and other female family members of those men who have taken the Mungiki oath. The home office also is aware that there is evidence of the Mungiki imposing political and cultural beliefs upon others.
What you can do to help:
1) If you are able, please go to Heathrow on Wednesday to leaflet passengers, asking them for help - it worked last week, it could work again on Wednesday. Contact Dee Robinson at New Routes for leaflets email:

2) Email/Phone Willie Walsh, Chief Executive Officer British Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Rose-Jane & Natale. Please download the letter :


Online Contact customer relations:

Customer Relations phone: 0844 493 0 787 Monday-Friday 08:00-18:30 (hold line till operator answers)
3) Email/Fax, Rt. Hon. Alan Johnson MP Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Ms. Rosejane Wanjohi HO ref. W1119087 and daughter Natale, be granted protection in the UK. Please download "model letter"

Fax: 020 8760 3132(00 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)

"CIT - Treat Official"
