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Photos from Smash NATO Edinburgh

fil kaler | 13.11.2009 17:36 | Anti-militarism

Photos from today's smash NATO in Edinburgh.

Report on imc Scotland:

fil kaler
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smash them, for real

13.11.2009 20:27

wasn't in edinburgh, but well done to those that were.
was in nottingham for the arms dump protest, which had an okay turn out, too. lets keep things rolling.....

well done


15.11.2009 20:11

In the third part of this Saturday's Smash NATO demo we marched with 2 reinforced banners between a shopping area and a building site along Princees St.

When we chanted:
"1 2 3 4 We don't want your fucking war
5 6 7 8 Organise and Smash the State!"
We were cheered by the builders.

When you chanted:
"You are Shopping!
Bombs are dropping!"
A builder responded:
"We are Working!
You are Students!"

Primitivism might be a useful ideology for militant groups of activists; but when it comes to overthrowing the system iteslf; class struggle anarchisms are more effective.

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