Boycott Easy London - Roberto Fiore Nick Griffin's
Richard | 13.11.2009 09:41 | Anti-racism | World
British Fascist leader and BNP chairman Nick Griffin's friend and business partner Roberto Fiore was introduced to BNP members from the main stage at the BNP Red White and Blue festival in Derbyshire in 2009. Roberto Fiore is an Italian Fascist who was convicted in 1985 for membership of a banned terror group called the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (Armed Revolutionary Nuclei).
This video features a clip from a film that shows what happened when Roberto Fiore's group visited Bologna railway station in 1980. Although the explosion is re-created with computer animation, the clip is followed by real TV news footage of the bomb's victims. Roberto Fiore's group murdered 118 people, including the 85 people they butchered in Bologna, and over 200 more people were injured in the Bologna explosion. The 2 British people they killed were back-packers Catherine Mitchell and John Kolpinski, both aged 22.
Roberto Fiore fled to England after the Bologna bombing, and hid out in a flat he shared with Nick Griffin. Roberto Fiore was convicted in his absence in 1985, but, as Nick Griffin had been protecting Fiore in London, Fiore had never been physically arrested by Italian police, so (under Italian law) eventually Fiore's conviction "timed-out" and Fiore was able to return to Italy a free man.
The BNP can't even secure their own membership list let alone secure the nation's borders, but, despite pretending that the BNP support "British Jobs for British Workers", Nick Griffin and Roberto Fiore founded (and still run) an employment and accommodation agency called Easy London (aka Londra Facile) which makes millions giving British homes and jobs to FOREIGN workers, and a language school called CL English (aka CL Business English and CL English Language) which makes millions actively encouraging migrant workers to enter the UK job market...

Londra Facile and Easy London also operate through a website called Vacasnza Lavoro. Vacasnza Lavoro confirms (checked 4/11/09) that Easy London teach foreign workers at "The English Studio" or TES, 113 High Holborn, London (which they describe as "La nuova scuola Easy London")...

Bizarrely, the new CL English website says (last checked 3/11/09) that Nick Griffin's business is registered to the non-existant address "Long Dong Road" in London's Soho (the real address is CL English Language School, 264 Northfield Ave, London W5 4UB) - so the new CL English website may be a lure to track people investigating Nick Griffin's activities, and is best avoided by any researchers not using IP shielding.
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