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Israel is suffering from Posttraumatic stress disorder.

Jim Flint | 10.11.2009 14:20

It has all the symptoms and needs treatment, urgently.


Most of the people of Israel show four or more of the following symptoms.

Hyper vigilance, exaggerated startle response, feelings of superiority and detachment, irritability, sudden angry or violent outbursts, depression, guilt, an overwhelming sense of injustice and a strong desire to do something about it.

This results in the Israeli nation, as a whole, suffering from PTSD.
It means the Israelis are unable to live in peace with their neighbours.
The Israelis need conflict to cover their disorder.

This is why they continue to slaughter their neighbours and steal their land and water.

Some national treatment plan is needed to start them on the road to recovery.

The first problem they must tackle is the illusion that they are a “chosen people.”

Secondly, they must give back the land and water they have stolen from the Palestinians.

Thirdly they must withdraw from all occupied land.

If they get to point three they will be doing well and a cure is on the way.

If not – Armageddon.

Jim Flint