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Mainshill Solidarity Camp. RESIST new coal! Stop climate chaos!

RESIST new coal! Stop climate chaos! | 09.11.2009 18:31 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009

Weekend of Actions and Workshops

Sat 28th Nov - Tues 1st Dec 2009

RESIST new coal! Stop climate chaos!

While politicians are set to add more air to the climate pressure cooker in Copenhagen, the UK government is pushing ahead with doubling the number of opencast coal mines in the country. In the past 18 months 14 companies have applied to dig nearly 60 million tonnes of coal from 58 new or enlarged opencast mines. With our climate under imminent threat, this is just
insane and needs to be stopped. So what better place than Mainshill for kicking off a December of direct action against climate criminals at home and abroad?

The Mainshill camp is occupying the site of a new open cast coal mine in Lanarkshire with lots of local support and seriously delaying work with digger diving, drill rig occupations and sabotage actions.

Join us for our open weekend Sat 28 Oct - Tues 1st Nov. There'll be direct action workshops, legal briefings and a guided tour of the site on Sat and Sun, plus whatever actions people are up for. Or come up any time!

There's lots and lots to do - not only are contractors busy felling trees on site, there are also four opencast coal mines within spitting distance of Mainshill, as well as the Ravenstruther coal rail depot.

From jumping on machinery and building momentum and support in the community, to chopping wood and cleaning out the compost loos - there's something for everyone!

A brochure of coal targets in Scotland plus Digger Diving for Beginners
can be found at

*warm clothes, boots and waterproofs, a tent, sleeping bag and mat *tools
for building work and action materials if you can
*Most importantly bring yourself and friends.

There'll be communal vegan food for a donation, so come prepared to help
with chopping veg.

The camp is right next to junction 12 of the M74, which runs from Carlisle to Glasgow. The nearest train stations are Lanark and Hamilton and there are frequent direct busses to the site.
Email us if you need a lift from the train station.

Detailed travel directions:


Please note: People arrested at Mainshill are held overnight, then taken to the Sheriff's Court in Lanarkshire on the next day before being released. If you are planning to take action, make sure you've got the next day off too.

RESIST new coal! Stop climate chaos!
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We used to support our coal miners

09.11.2009 18:56

You SCABs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


we supported deep mining. the NUM opposed open cast

09.11.2009 19:44

get it right. there's no jobs in open cast. not to mention the wider class implications of fucking the local community and planet over...


and also, nice one. looks great.

09.11.2009 19:45

will try to make it, and if not will help publicise. solidarity! hope yr keeping warm!


date correction

09.11.2009 20:04

The correct dates are Sat 28 Nov - Tue 1 Dec. Sorry!

leave it in the ground

no jobs in opencast

09.11.2009 20:10

Out of 1000 people in the local community (Douglas) over 600 people sent in letters of objection during the planning process. There are already 4 opencast mines operational there and local folks know full well that it doesn't bring jobs, just pollution, noise and a fucked up landscape. Same story in County Durham - another traditional ming area. Get real, mining is hard work and nothing to romanticise. Yes, there's an important historic struggle, but right now investing in renewable energy jobs seems a whole more sane to me than to carry on trashing the planet and people's health. Maybe you should go up there and see for yourself what it's like?



09.11.2009 20:26

It doesn't matter if the coal from deep down or if it is opencast. Its still coal that burns.
All that campaigning with that rich scargill bloke has gone to waste.

My point is how things change. One minute were supporting coal the next we aren't.
In 30-40 years we will be campaigning against wind turbines because they are a visual polution


wind turbines

11.11.2009 09:15

folk already are objecting to them

windy one