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Born Killers

Jim Flint | 09.11.2009 11:18

All decent and honourable Jews should resign from the AIPAC.

Born Killers
Born Killers

And if they want to help Israel they should join J Street.

J Street was founded to promote meaningful American leadership to end the Arab-Israeli and Palestinian-Israel conflicts peacefully.

The AIPAC was founded to advocate pro-Israeli policies to the Congress and Executive Branch of the United States.

In this, the AIPAC has been more than successful.

It has direct control, through fear and money, over 344 Members of Congress.

And these Congress Members will vote for anything the AIPAC tells them to.

Anything, even and including the murder of babies as happened in Gaza last January.

This is no organization for any member of the great and long tormented Jewish nation to belong to.

Jim Flint