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Photo of SMASH NATO, SMASH IMPERIALISM! message in Gravesend, Kent

anonymous | 07.11.2009 20:42 | Anti-militarism

Photo of SMASH NATO, SMASH IMPERIALISM! message daubed near Gravesend town centre


Message speaks for itself...say no more!



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What century are these people living in?

08.11.2009 08:55

Gosh! A hammer and sickle! Not seen one of those in years. How frightfully quaint!

Comrade Enver Hoxha

Communism is not dead!

08.11.2009 17:22

I think its good..... the hammer and sickle, the message is clear....and anyway, on most demos can be seen a fair amount of hammers and sickles..... on red flags. Well done....smash NATO, smash imperialism, bury capitalism! Long live communism!



hammer and SICKle

08.11.2009 18:22

give it up the hammer and sickle represent a system that turned out to be no better than facism
I'd rather live under Tony Blair than you dicks!!!

fuck the hammer and sickle

its crap

08.11.2009 20:06

need we say more


first with a sickle, then with a hammer smash the red rabble

08.11.2009 22:22

"first with a sickle, then with a hammer (smash) the red rabble" what is used to be a popular call on Polish anticommunist demos in the 80s. Look guys, I know u don't like NATO etc. but giving Soviet Union as an example and an alternative is just a miss understanding, and the main ground for this is that u were not born there, nor u even could travel to communist block to see Lenin's/Marx's/Stalin's/Trocki's ideas in reality. So cut the bullshit.


Up with the Red Banner, for Freedom, Independence and Socialism!

09.11.2009 09:49

I belive it is definite and a matter of time for the doom of imperialism to become a reality. With no machination can the imperialists bring under control the situation in the world political arena which has already turned unfavourable to them. The bankruptcy of revisionism in the former USSR which led to the betrayal of socialism and the restoration of capitalism in that country along with countries in Eastern Europe orchestrated and backed by imperialism has only worsened the lives of the working people of those countries. Don't listen to those who tell you what a tragety it was in Prague in 68 or how great it was in 89 after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The tragety was not in the failure in 68 to restore capitalism in Czechoslovakia, but in the failure of the treacherous CPSU leadership under Gorbachev to crush thet counter-revolution in the USSR in August 1991. I lived out there and saw it myself.
The imperialists are driven into an uncontrollable crisis at present and the fact that the popular masses are getting awakened in a revolutionary manner is a clear proof that the doom of imperialism is coming nearer.
The contradictions and conflicts among the imperialist powers to dominate markets and expand the sphere of their influence are now festering and the imperialists are hard hit by the strong resistance of people in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The balance of forces in the world is tipped more favourable to the side of revolution and that of progress and independence while the anti-imperialist independent forces are decisively prevailing over the reactionary forces of imperialism.
The working people in the capitalist countries are intensifying their struggle for democratic freedom and right to existence, greatly inspired by the present trend of the times in which the desire of progressive mankind for independence is growing exceptionally stronger and the world is heading for it.
I think that Socialist North Korea and Cuba for example are victorious and serve as a beacon of hope and a banner of victory for the world people aspiring after independence. But that does not mean we in Britain or others countries in the West have to blindly copy the models of socialism in the above countries, or allow other models to be forced upon us, but build socialism according to the characteristics of each country adhering to the main principles of Marxism-Leninism. I.e no parliamentary path to socialism….. only a protracted revolutionary struggle for the overthrow of capitalism will establish socialism.



i prefer imperialism

09.11.2009 18:29

i dont particularly want to live under socialist structure. We live under those rules enough already. I did claim anything off the government, but i just pay,pay,pay. Socialism will mean i have to pay more.

Better more imperialism. I keep more money and get more thing? Right?


Reality check

09.11.2009 20:15

If communism is so wonderful why did the communists have to put up walls and fences round every country they took over to prevent their people escaping to the 'capitalist/imperialist' world? Why did all the refugees flow AWAY from the communist world not towards it?

And why if communism is such a good idea did it melt away like snow on hot summer's day at the first moment people got a choice about it?


Concrete wall still divides Korea!

10.11.2009 09:57

The imperialists like to wax lyrical about the Berlin Wall, but in the early 1970’s, at the instigation of the US, the South Korean military dictatorship built a massive concrete structure 240 kilometres long from the eastern coast to the western coast, just south of the 38th Parallel, the military demarcation line. It was the Yanks and their puppet in south Korea who built the wall, and not the North Koreans......II recommend a in depth concrets objective history.....and not imperialist slander against the DPRK that is force fed us every day.
This wall causes national division and blocks national reconciliation. The cold war may have ended in Europe, but it still continues in North East Asia on the Korean Peninsula.
Socialism did not simply melt away like snow on one fine sunny was corroded slowly by three decades of neo menshevist Khrushevite revisionism which led to crisis in the Soviet system...... it was not communist ideology, ot communist that collapsed, but the bankcrupsy of trotksyite revisionism which ended up as open counter-revolution in 1991 which destroyed the USSR. The events in Eastern Europe were test models for the destruction of socialism and socialist gains by the people of those countries. Moscow under revisionist traitor Khrushev tried to reel in North Korea, but the Koreans could see the way it was going and that if they followed suit, they would end up enslaved by US imperialism or Japanese militarism. Long live socialist hell with imperialism and its lackeys!


I also wrote some graffiti

11.11.2009 10:22

I wrote some graffiti dissing nazi scum on the door of the bog in my local pub. Didn't take a photo of it - but just thought it should all know because I invest a large amount in my own self-importance in educating the masses

listen to me - what I have to say is very important