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Dissident Island Radio - Live show tonight

Dissident Werewolf | 06.11.2009 16:17

Housman's 50th birthday // Anarchists Against the Wall // Didcott action report // Anarchist Bookfair digest // Invert Your Gender // Freddy the Frog

06 November 2009:

Featuring on tonight's edition of Dissident Island Radio:

* Celebrations of Housmans 50th birthday! And more on Housmans history;
* Anarchists Against the Wall - tearing down fences & fighting against the odds;
* A look at the recent Didcott Action;
* A digest of the audio from the London Anarchist Bookfair 2009;
* Chat with the organisers of the 'Invert your gender' event;
* And Freddy the Frog with clownstep...

And more! Vegan recipes, prisoner info, and the usual random, idle banter from
your local DIY radio crew.

Go to to tune in any time after 9pm and check back
later to download the show.

Keep it cool, kids.


Which features a special live broadcast panel discussion on direct action,
anarchism and contemporary radical social struggle, with panelists Isabeau
Doucet, Isa Fremaux, Ohal Grietzer, Debbie Shaw and David Graeber. This event
was inspired by, and a celebration of, the recent release of David's book,
'Direct Action: An Ethnograpy' available from AK press. The show includes sets
from DJs Ursa (centrifuge) and Steene.

Click here to download the panel discussion:

And for more detailed information on this show, go to:

Dissident Werewolf
- e-mail: dissidentisland (at) riseup (dot) net
- Homepage:


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