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What is the sound of anti-racism in the UK?

Adam Pugh | 04.11.2009 10:44 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | Cambridge

At a moment of tightening border controls in the UK, sound art collective Ultra-red and anti-racism organisers from the Rural Racism Project come to Norwich to dispatch the question: what is the sound of anti-racism in the UK?

Together, the collective invites local artists, activists, migrants and migrant rights and social service workers to attend an evening event exploring the shifting dimensions of racism and anti-racism in the UK. The event will begin with a performance of sounds generated by the collective in their ongoing investigation and activation of anti-racism struggles in south-west England. Attendees are invited to listen and offer their own reflections on the changing dimensions of racism in their community.

What is the sound of anti-racism in the UK?
Encuentro Norwich: Ultra-red in collaboration with The Rural Racism Project

OUTPOST, Wensum Street, Norwich
Tuesday 10 November, 17.00 - 19.30
FREE + Free food
Part of AURORA 2009: Common Ground. See for more information.

Adam Pugh
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norfolk black history month all over again innit...

07.11.2009 17:14

reminds me of that article in "Now or Never!" -- norwich's finest export to the rest of the country.

sort it out frosty