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Brazil: a good plan and a good man

Emilio José Lemos de Lima | 02.11.2009 19:28 | Globalisation | Liverpool

"At least" because as a precaution I’ve not only fetch the numbers from the database of the secretary of the treasury, but also because I’ve made a point to catch them from the column that has no update or our numbers would be even more stratospheric.


The fact, dear reader, is that in these 15 years of FHC and Lula da Silva, we’ve paid, at least, five trillion reais (U.S.$ 1,00 = R$ 1,76 now) in interest and repayments of public debt.

"At least" because as a precaution I’ve not only fetch the numbers from the database of the secretary of the treasury, but also because I’ve made a point to catch them from the column that has no update or our numbers would be even more stratospheric.

Look, five trillion reais equals 35 times the total sales of Brazilian automobile industry in 2008, with exports, including to this also results for the agricultural machinery.

Weighing the little, but very major, that has advanced this our plan to Brazil, I say that with 500 billion reais in investments, we will build a Brazil with work and dignity for all brazilian people.

With a trillion in investments, forgive me for joking dear readers and Swedes, we’ll build 50 Swedens here.

Unfortunately, dear reader, I am writing to you that 5 trillion have been "transferred", while Brazil has been miring or a little more than that.

Emilio José Lemos de Lima
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