Machines locked-on to at Mainshill again in two days of continuous action
Mainshill Solidarity Camp | 27.10.2009 10:25 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Free Spaces
At 7.30am this morning, two people locked-on to harvesting machinery attempting to make its way into Mainshill Wood, in an ongoing struggle to stop work at the site and stop Scottish Coal's attempts to turn the site into an opencast coal mine.
This comes after yesterday's seven hour blockade of the access to the site, involving massive barricades and lock-ons, and last night's actions to stop trees being felled at midnight. Last night, machinery was forced off site and back into its own fenced compound as once again, loggers tried to fell trees at night, dangerously close to treehouses, tunnels and other defences.
These two days of action follow weeks of relentless action to stop the work that has started at Mainshill Wood. As well as occupying the main access and substantial area of the site, the Mainshill Solidarity Camp has blockaded access roads, jumped on machinery, climbed trees and groups of anonymous activist acting in solidarity have sabotaged equipment continuously.
This struggle is the front line in the fight against new coal, climate chaos and environmental injustice, where communities are destroyed by corrupt government and corporate greed. Join us at the camp!
Also - Solidarity Camp Gathering this weekend coming - 31st October & 1st November
And - Solidarity Camp October Newsletter out now!
These two days of action follow weeks of relentless action to stop the work that has started at Mainshill Wood. As well as occupying the main access and substantial area of the site, the Mainshill Solidarity Camp has blockaded access roads, jumped on machinery, climbed trees and groups of anonymous activist acting in solidarity have sabotaged equipment continuously.
This struggle is the front line in the fight against new coal, climate chaos and environmental injustice, where communities are destroyed by corrupt government and corporate greed. Join us at the camp!
Also - Solidarity Camp Gathering this weekend coming - 31st October & 1st November

And - Solidarity Camp October Newsletter out now!

Mainshill Solidarity Camp