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NF wants to march in London on 8th of November

antifascist | 27.10.2009 01:25


this is from stormcunt thread about remembrance day in London

" This is to remind ALL British Nationalists that YOU are invited to march with the National Front on Sunday 8th November 2009. The march should commence in the Victoria area and proceed to the Cenotaph for the wreath laying ceremony to honour Britain's war dead of all past conflicts and current ones. This will be followed by a short rally and a social get together.
A special Remembrance issue of "Britain First" (the new official monthly paper of the NF) will be available.
The NF has been marching every November for over forty years. Last year, 270 Nationalists marched with the NF through London to the Mall. This year the NF wants to see over 500 in the biggest march for many years. Remember it is less than two months off - so start making your plans now! No matter what patriotic group you are in, you are more then welcome to march with the Frontfighters of the NF in this most significant of all days...remember our boys who died at Paschendale, The Somme, Ulster and who are still fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan – no win wars but still our troops MUST be honoured. Be there on the 8th of November and in the future you will be able to say “I marched with the Front that day”.

Obviously that shouldn't go unopposed.



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These Scum

27.10.2009 01:44

Want to blacken the names of all the dead from two World Wars by celebrating the 86th anniversary of the Munich Putsch of Adolf Hitler on the 8th of November 1923.

This Hitlerite Celebration would be repugnant in any month - but doubly so in the Month of November when civilised people remember the deaths of millions of antifascists.

Yet again fascists are seeking to hijack the image of Wartime Heroism to promote their vile and wicked politics.

I am sure it will outrage those people who wish to celebrate the Abolition of the Death Penalty in 1965 - a far more worthy reason to remember the innocent and nameless dead killed by Judicial Murder.

Disgusted of Munich

What the fuck?

27.10.2009 02:58

This will turn violent.

This should be banned.

Web link?

27.10.2009 09:30

Do you have a link to this thread on Stormponce please?

An tifascist


27.10.2009 10:07

Hey I wonder if EDL are going to turn up to oppose the NF like they said they would :)



27.10.2009 11:25

the link's on their website just had a look. I'm not gracing the fuckers shoving it on here. Find it yourself.


What is wrong with marching to remember the war dead?

27.10.2009 12:06

What is wrong with marching to remember the war dead and laying wreaths at the cenotaph? That is all the National Front want to do. If they want to do that then why on earth shouldn't they be allowed too?


Why stop them?

27.10.2009 13:23

Because the National Front are an organised group of racist, violent thugs.

"We want a white British society. That's what we're all about.' A single issue, racist party scapegoating non-whites for all the problems of society.

National Funk

drop the misogyny

27.10.2009 13:35

"this is from stormcunt thread about remembrance day in London"

antifascist: whilst i support your call to oppose the nf, i would suggest that you consider the misogyny inherent in your referal to the stormfront website as stormcunt...a cunt is not a negative thing, it is a beautiful part of a womans body...


hm mh

27.10.2009 13:51

NF march according to their crappy forum is gonna start between 2.00 and 2.30.
As for using work cunt- come on, don't you have more important things to do? Or shall i stop calling people dicks and cocks (because this is a beautiful part of mans body), stop using word wanker (nothing wrong with masturbation), stop calling somebody an arsehole (anal sex is great), stop saying fuck and shit as well? Get a grip mate..


be consistent in opposing oppression

27.10.2009 15:09

using misogynist language in promoting the antifascist is not the same way using homophobic or racist language would be wrong...all i'm suggesting is that as an antifascist you should be a consistent opponent of oppression

if you are a supporter of antifa, you could do with reading your founding statement: "Our structure is anti-authoritarian and non hierarchical. We oppose discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, disability or age"


@ liamfromleeds

27.10.2009 15:22

Are you also against the terms 'dick' and 'cock' as offensive terms? The word 'cunt' has nothing to do with of suppressing women, just as 'fuck you' as nothing to do with sex. The words have moved on from there.

random person

enough of the sexism please

27.10.2009 16:05

'antifascist' contributors on indymedia are some of the most mysoginist in terms of their use of language... probably has something to do with their harder than though macho posturing....... get over it


To quote Ian Dury...

27.10.2009 16:13

To quote Ian Dury: "Arseholes, bastards, fucking cunts, and pricks!" Most of us swear, and few if any of the words we use bear the kind of scrutiny liamfromleeds is subjecting them to. But I guess most of us see them as being totally detached from the meanings these words have in other contexts, just as calling someone, "A fucking lemon" does not liken them to a yellow citrus fruit. Challenging sexism and patriarchy has to be about a lot more than coming up with arguments that most people find ridiculous and just make us look stupid (like saying, "person-hole" instead of "man-hole".) That's not to say that the language we use isn't important, but liamfromleeds may be barking up the wrong tree here, and arguable (however unintentionally) de-railing this thread. Most of us have moved on from the 1980's, when there was a lot of this sort of 'moon-worship' stuff about, but if liamfromleeds wants to discuss it further, why not start another thread?


Wot about..

27.10.2009 17:03

Er Wot about the NF march in London?

Would be good to go and oppose these, er, nazi pillocks!

Anyone got a problem with 'pillocks'?


Will it take place, though

27.10.2009 19:22

.. or is it just an NF publicity stunt, like their pathetic attempt to demonstrate against Reading's Pride event a few weeks back?

The NF got loads of publicity by applying to the local Rozzers for permission to hold a demo in the town centre. Then at the last minute they decided to cancel. Whether there was any intention to have the demo, or they chickened out for fear of looking stupid, we can only guess.

As it was, the procession was bigger than usual, due to substantial numbers of (predominantly heterosexual) Anti-Fascists joining in the fun, with not a Nazi in sight.

So don't be too disappointed if the NF Nasties (all three of them) fail to materialise.

Gregory Beetle


27.10.2009 19:29

People are CUNTS!! More to the point the NF are a bunch of NAZI CUNTS!! Can we get back to the point please and concentrate on FUCKING THESE CUNTS!!!


'or is it just an NF publicity stunt'

27.10.2009 23:07

It's both a publicity stunt to have some NF profile and it's a tradition - the NF marches every year at the Cenotaph. In the 80's and 90's, it was also a tradition to have a go at them.


" 'Antifascist' "

28.10.2009 09:47

" 'antifascist' contributors on indymedia are some of the most mysoginist in terms of their use of language... probably has something to do with their harder than though macho posturing....... get over it "

But you sound like the sort of fifth-column doughnut that can't tell an antifascist from a fascist troll. Let's see an example of a 'mysoginist' antifascist post (as opposed to comment.)


fuck fascists, fuck sexists too

28.10.2009 11:47

come off it. read an antifascist post and you are bound to get comments with loads of sexist language in it. the 'antifascist' movement in this country is full of macho shits. you don't have to be like that to combat fascism. i know plenty of people who have been put off joining antifascist groups here precisely cos of that.


so typical

28.10.2009 12:54

so typical of indymedia, instead of concentrating on the actual event and discussing it, majority of posters argue about word cunt and whether i am a genuine antifascist or fascist troll trying to cause trouble. Hello! Only few days left to NF march!


MK23's a girl!!

28.10.2009 16:21

Yes, good point 'antifascist'. Besides, i'm not sure it's possible to be masogynistic unto oneself, I am female of the species I'm afraid people... I am not a masogynist, I am not a macho testosterone fuelled thug, I am an antifascist! Sorry to dissapoint anyone who really hasn't got anything better to do than avoid the real subject and get upset that not everyone is as over sensitive or as uncomfortable with certain terminology as themselves, but thats life! Like I said before people are Cunts! Get over it!



28.10.2009 16:33

"come off it. read an antifascist post and you are bound to get comments with loads of sexist language in it."

Homophobic stuff too, and it's almost always posted up by fascists trolling the threads. Let's see you post up a link to an actual antifascist article on Indymedia which is mysoginistic.

"the 'antifascist' movement in this country is full of macho shits."

There are loads of good women antifascists in this country. I know one Antifa group where there are more women involved than men. Certainly there are some antifascists who are sexist and macho (just as there are sexist or macho hunt sabs, climate activists, trade unionists, etc) and they are a disgrace, but to stereotype all antifascists in the way you do is wrong and deters more women from becoming involved.

If anyone feels that their local antifascist group tolerates sexist and macho behaviour, I would advise them to set up their own antifascist group. Antifascists just seem to be the favourite target of some posters on Indymedia.

Aunt Sally