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YouGov defrauded in BNP poll sting

Lancaster Unity | 26.10.2009 09:28 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool

YouGov - being conned by the BNP

We've all known for ages that the BNP's legions of keyboard warriors are encouraged to vote in online polls where the result, if tilted, is advantageous to the party, but the BNP now appears to have taken this con trick one step further and is supporting a call on its own website to defraud money from YouGov and pay it into the party's coffers.

British Patriot, an administrator on the BNP's own social network, has called on members to join YouGov so that they can be on the list of people to be called when there is a poll to be carried out. As members, these people are given 50p per survey which is paid to them when the amount owed reaches £50. British Patriot suggests;

'Despite recently getting two MEPs elected our support in Yougov polls has recently dropped to 3% (just 1% in Scotland). One of the main reasons people don’t vote for us is because they believe we are a wasted vote, and it’s online polls such as Yougov that give them this impression! If EVERY BNP supporter joined Yougov, we could put our support on a par with the Lib Dems and possibly higher!

On top of this we could actually raise money for the Party via Yougov as you actually get paid for participating in surveys. I have already been sent a £50 cheque by Yougov which I donated to the party. Imagine if every BNP supporter signed up to Yougov and every few weeks, raised £50 which was donated to the party. The party could potentially get £100,000’s per year via Yougov!!!'

British Patriot compounds this suggested fraud by extending it;

'Also if you join Yougov via the referral link below Yougov will send me the equivalent amount in survey credit for each survey they complete during their first three months of membership. Therefore potentially DOUBLING the money raised for the party! You can also send your referral link to your friends and family, and therefore increasing the amount you raise for the party. I’m very close to receiving my second cheque which I would really like to donate towards the legal battle against the treacherous extremist-lefties of the CEHR.'

Regular readers might recall a similar fraud carried out by the BNP on Usborne Books back in April of last year, where the party sold the publishers books illegally via its own tat-flogging Excalibur arm, earning commission on sales despite the breaching of a number of rules. Thanks to swift action by our readers and Usborne, this was stopped in a day or two and the BNP were deprived of any further money from that particular con trick...

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Lancaster Unity
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Stop moaning

26.10.2009 11:33

You need to look up fraud in the dictionary. I think you'll find that most peoples definitions of fraud don't include accepting someone's invitation to be paid 50p for completing a survey for them.

I'd much rather political groups engage in this type of activity than the yobbish anti-democratic elitism of the 'anti-fascists' who seek to prevent others expressing their opinions.


If they can do it...

26.10.2009 13:28 can others. Any pressure group could exploit Yougov in this way, if this is how it works. So what? Maybe the likes of Respect and the SWP should join the 'con' to get money for a better cause.If this is how it works, then the credibility of Yougov's polls will eventually become so discredited that they'll be worthless anyway.

Annie Citizen

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26.10.2009 15:32

I heard that BNP member once returned a library book late and another parked on double yellows for 5 minutes while he nipped into a shop.


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Poor Pete

26.10.2009 15:38

The Indymedia Official "I'm not in the BNP - I just want to hear what they say" Troll is Pete. Every time there is anything substantial posted about the BNP he complains that the left wing elitists stifling debate and so on.

Which is funny. Because he never listens to a word that people who have actually been in the BNP and left in disgust say.

Think about it. Why do people leave the BNP? Stop stifling the debate Pete: tell us why.

Pete Tierney

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A must read.

27.10.2009 03:24

We dont know who it is but read it.

keep fascists out of AR
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Read before you comment Mr Tierney

27.10.2009 12:37

If you read my comments you'd realise I do not want to hear what the BNP has to say. I've never expressed the remotest interest in any of their policies. I'm couldn't care less what they say about anything. However, I don't mind others taking an interest in the BNP if they wish and am not so elitist, patronising and arrogant as to think that I should protect these people from views they might not be able to handle. It's all about free speech, freedom of expression, free elections and free association, concepts which 'anti-fascists' are very uncomfortable with.

The 'anti-fascist' version of freedom is what most people call totalitarianism, as practiced in paces like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Empire and present day China and Cuba.


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Pete's law

27.10.2009 14:02

Anyone who compares anti-fascists as nazis while defending the freedom of speech of nazis is themselves an obvious nazi. And on a site like this, that also makes you a troll.


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nazi alert

27.10.2009 16:39

Any anti-fascist worth his / her salt will know that by arguing that
"Anyone who compares anti-fascists as nazis while defending the freedom of speech of nazis is themselves an obvious nazi" you've given yourself away as a nazi. You nazi.

Norbert Azi


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29.10.2009 00:52

"General, Italian forces have entered Egypt"

"As I expected. This is a foolish move by Mussolini, but like Hitler he will no doubt force his commanders to -"

"Hey. Godwin's law"

"Dammit. You know this many become a problem"


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Do Not Feed The Neo-Nazi BNP Loving Trolls

30.10.2009 11:09

Much love for anti-fascists.

No love for white supremacists including the BNP, EDL, BPP, Combat18, etc.

Ingore the trolls who try to divide and conquer.


Troll Spanka

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