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The Triple Crunch: Risks & Opportunities – Ann Pettifor

Chris | 21.10.2009 22:28 | Analysis | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Sheffield

Attached is a recording of and the slides from a talk by Ann Pettifor, the second of 3 'Plan 2050 Environment Lectures', organised by Sheffield Cathedral and the Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change, which was held on Wednesday 21th October 2009.

Ann's website:

The listing for the 3 lectures:

Climate Change, Energy and the Politics of the Future

The first lecture:

Climate Change, Energy and the Politics of the Future - Dr Alison Cooke

The organisers of the event:

Sheffield Cathedral

Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change

Plan 2050

See also:

Sheffield Green New Deal Conference

- Homepage:


Some more photos

21.10.2009 22:33



PDF Version of the PPT slides

23.10.2009 10:25

Some people have had problems with the Power Point slides -- attached is a PDF version of them.
