Keep Question Time Nazi Free - Stop Nick Griffin appearing on BBC.
Anon NW1 | 20.10.2009 22:25 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles | South Coast | World
BNP leader Nick Griffin has been invited onto the BBC Question time programme on Thursday 22nd October. There is a demo planned from 9am and a main demo at 5pm at BBC Wood Lane. We are not going to allow him into the BBC. There is a pre demo meeting & rally tomorow at Conway Hall Red Lion Square. There is chance Griffin will arrive by helicopter in which case occupy the roof and stop him.
Anon NW1
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Rally tomorrow is at 7pm at Conway Hall. Nearest tube Holborn.
20.10.2009 22:49
Message to the BBC.
We are not allowing him in. Read that again. We are not allowing him in.
This is what he wants for African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Carribean, South American, Pacific, Maoari people .... so we are NOT allowing hin into the BBC.
We have been told that the BNP "plan to kick the shit out of everybody". This is why we are NOT ALLOWING him or them into the BBC.
Shame on the BBC.
Let Griffin be questioned in public
20.10.2009 23:55
They have been given far too much mainstream media free publicity this week already, with the connivance of the Labour party and the BBC.
Surely you are not afraid that the idiot will actually talk any sense, are you ?
Fed up with the pro and anti BNP hype
who shall we ban next?
21.10.2009 00:39
im going to be very pissed off if anyone tries to take MY rights away. i hate fascists. if you decide to post some good questions in this thread who knows.... ;-) it might just be a useful debate after all.
please don't help kill off our freedom of speech.
Ratings frenzy!
21.10.2009 00:50
No Platform
21.10.2009 08:32
The BNP are not simply exercising their right to free speech, they are organising the oppression of blacks, asians, chinese, gays, and the disabled.
That is their end goal; however they dress it up is an irrelevance.
Talking sense
21.10.2009 08:36
Griffin will tell a pack of lies and the Question Time panel cannot be relied on to debunk them.
Freedom of speech?
21.10.2009 08:44
jack straw
21.10.2009 10:29
when we kick off loud about bnp aren't we therefore sending a message that jack straw and his ilk are somehow acceptable to us ?
Question time petition for Griffin& the Genocidal Party
21.10.2009 12:19
BNPers cheered Bush's invasions of the middle east, Griffin pretends to be a peacemaker whilst praising Hitler.
They still organise with Nazi Parties in Germany & others globally who organise mass genocide& talk openly about disappearing human rights organisers& union activists.
We need more economic& social democracy as without both either are almost meaningless,
Please sign Hope not hates Petition, their good at paperwork & media antifascism & if it came down to it they would join a British international brigade again like we did before WW2.
Shame on the BBC& the undemocractic British judiciary, 90%of people want nazi's banned, their allowance of ethnic members means nothing, who except afew tonto's would want to join, Hitler had afew Jewish & muslim officials to help run things, BAN THE BNP!
International brigader
some here talk as if BNP member & hardcore are sane& not in need of therapy
21.10.2009 12:51
BNP members dont just join security contractors & work for people like Straw, they help organise & support the genocides & in places like Rwandan between hutus & tutsis or in Sudan between Christians & Muslims as well as N.Ireland.
The BNP themselves say they have more members joining the army at the moment, at least most labour voters are actually against the war, despite reluctanctly voting Labour to stop the Tories destroying even more public services. We live in a v slim democracy & need alot more, not more genocidal nutters against democracy.
No1s talking about using violence anyway,even most police hate the BNP, the Judges& politicians messed up big time letting Griffins off the hook, people still keep getting evidence.
Most people in UK hate them, they know more seats for them means more race riots& murder
21.10.2009 15:02
parties like the BNP will gain support until politicians start addressing, and providing solutions for, the type of problems faced in the daily struggle by ordinary working people, such as housing and the need for rent controls, the minimum wage is far too low (should be about £8.50 per hour). Taxation is far too high for low earners, and the price of petrol is far to high - these are examples of things that affect people on a daily/weekly basis.
Sadly, groups like the BNP will grow until the politicians come up with answers that will benefit peoples daily lives.
General Public
Socialist Worker's member's own opnion.
21.10.2009 15:22
These protests seem to get the BNP more support and free publicity.
I have changed my mind, and I am now against these self defeating protests against the BNP.
Myself, I will now protest against the people who actually rule the Country Labour, and next the Tories.
Chasing around this tiny party achieves nothing. Anyway, any votes which the BNP loses go straight to our Capitalist masters Labour or the Tories.
Personal experience of BNP members.
21.10.2009 16:37
That same night we were on our way to a fake reggae party in a squat which was held on the roof of a squatted council tower block. The party was in fact held by Nazis who pulled knives. Somehow we got out of that shaken but alive. That's the reality of the BNP.
The BNP used to be affiliated to Combat 18 - an armed group who have fought alongside the UDA and were very much linked to the British Army, and MI5 / Special Branch. Eventually they fell apart when they were infiltrated by nutters [!] from MI5 who had them all believing David Icke and in aliens / 12 foot lizards etc.
Having known several BNP members [spying on them] they would beat up anyone Asian and alone walking the streets. One of them got it into his head that I was Jew and turned very nasty and very frightening.
When someone Muslim is caught or "caught" with explosives or "explosives" it gets front page news in the press and two or more pages of coverage. When the BNP do the same thing and it happens more than you think...there have been a number of terrorism convictions against right wing / Neo Nazis /BNP members it gets very little press coverage, if any.
The BNP are not just a little party who should be ignored...David Copeland blew up a pub in Soho, planted a nail bomb in Brixton....
Lastly it should be pointed out to Nick's supporters that Griffin has bought a pig farm with BNP money. He has ripped off his supporters. When leaders of political parties or campaign groups live very well from donations or membership fees then something is very very wrong and shows the whole thing up for the nastiness it actually is.
He has bought a farm, land and a greta big house with BNP donations.
22.10.2009 00:13
Well, what did you make of it?
23.10.2009 00:00
His performance, in my opinion, was cringeworthy. The audience were great! I think i would have had less fun if we had thrown rotten fruit at him!
If the bnp consider this a victory then i would hate to see their vision of a defeat. He can't say he wasn't given a chance to express his views and came across as thourghly dishonest.
Anyone else care to share a laugh at his expense? Which bit of his performance did you 'enjoy'?
should he have been allowed on?
13.11.2009 12:14
stephen smith