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Nottingham Claimants Action website has moved

Nottingham Claimants Action | 20.10.2009 21:48 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Nottingham Claimants Action formerly Nottingham Campaign Against the Job Seekers Allowance "A great set of links to advice and action relating to work, unemployment and benefits" is moving.

YAHOO GEOCITIES IS CLOSING AT THE END OF THE MONTH so the website has moved to hosted by the Nottingham group of the Anarchist Federation:

NCA / NCAJSA is now just a website now, as the group hasn't existed for quite some time. But hopefully in the future there will be a new claimants' group in Nottingham.

If you are going to the anarchist bookfair in London this weekend there are some good meetings relating to claimants activism. Full programme here

ROOM EB 4, Below Octagon Room stalls:

4pm – 4.50pm
Dig where you stand: mutual aid, self-activity and current anarchist strategy

This meeting is for people interested in the current wave of occupations and revival of direct-action casework. It asks how this new culture of resistance can bring about generalised class confidence and help us in our own struggles at work, at the job centre etc.

Organised by: Anarchist Federation

Plus (same room, just before):

3pm – 3.50pm
Beyond Direct Action Casework - Collectivising Struggle

While Direct Action Casework gains concrete victories for individuals and families, it is not enough. Mass organisations need to be built to collectivise our struggles.

Organised by: London Coalition Against Poverty

Plus (in other room):

12 noon – 12.50pm
Countrywide Opposition to Welfare Reforms

With increasingly punitive attacks on Jobcentre users, claimants across the UK are organising to defend social welfare.

Organised by: London Coalition Against Poverty

Nottingham Claimants Action
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Great site, many longterm "volunteer" workers on dole need contracts

21.10.2009 13:18

Many of them have learning disabilities etc or are off work for health problems & end up working for mean or well meaning companies who have no health & safety training or procedures. Often its after they have back problems etc that they realise theyve been shafted their needs to contracts for longterm volunteers, & voluntary organisations should at least offer this.
Otherwise if it goes wrong, their screwed+ without having payed.
This is more important than ever with people currently being forced into voluntary jobs, voluntary sector should pay for travel, food &proper health & safety training or low cost union membership as absolute minimum for long term workers.

By continually ignoring this what makes some workers coops & voluntary organisations that Afed work with any better than Temp agencies??

Dole worker

Critical of voluntary organisations

21.10.2009 21:01

Quite. Groundswell, a network that NCAJSA was involved in did a lot of work to highlight the role of the voluntary sector in implementing the Tories 'Project Work' workfare scheme and then Labour's New Deal. In fact some third sector organisations were persuaded to pull out as a result of direct action. In Nottingham, there were demos in outside Barnardos and British Heart Foundation (who had signed up to become PW providers) to explain that unemployed persons were in danger of being sent to work for their benefits alongside volunteers whilst those organisations were clearly not going to be letting out that they were not volunteers at all.

The new Welfare Reform Bill will only make things worse.

The latest issue of anarchist magazine Black Flag (no. 230) has an article in it which covers these issues in some detail, contributed by the Anarchist Federation. It'll be out at the London Anarchist Bookfair this weekend.

AF member
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