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The Hunts are stilll at it

Western hunt sab' | 20.10.2009 19:27 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham

Terrier and spade brigade still at it

Terrier and spade brigade still at it
On Saturday 17th October 2009 sabs were present watching the Cotswold Vale fox hunt draw through woodland just south of Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. “Coincidentally” on a footpath right beside the covert concerned was loose grass placed over what is believed to be a stopped up badger sett and earth impacted down making an escape route impossible for any hunted fox. This was freshly done even the night before or that morning. Later after dark one sab’ returned with a trowel and dug down about a foot uncovering impacted, petrol soaked soil and various organic debris.
It is an offence to interfere with a badger sett, the petrol was poured down either to dissuade a fox from going to a place of sanctuary (foxes and badgers do co-habitate) or to slowly suffocate any badgers or foxes within the sett. Several possibilities:
1. The sett was stopped up to ease the illegal hunting and killing of foxes at the behest of the Cotswold Vale fox hunt.
2. To kill badgers unbeknown to the hunt.
3. To do both with the hunt and/ or landowner’s blessing
4. To do both without the hunt and/or landowner’s knowledge .
We suspect the latter. This matter was reported to both police and RSPCA on Saturday night, as yet the police have been to the area but could not find the sett despite an offer by the sab’ to lead them to it (they have thus far declined this offer). The sett remains unblocked and has been observed today.
When sabs are arrested for trying to film unlawful hunts then prosecuted with zeal by the CPS all of a sudden police resources are very stretched when it comes to investigating and prosecuting those who torture and kill wild creatures. Sabs continue battle against the hunts regardless across the UK.

Western hunt sab'


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photo of sett once debris removed

20.10.2009 20:31

and loose petrol soaked earth cleared away

western sab'


21.10.2009 09:02

Correction to mistake in origional post. Whilst we cannot prove that the hunt did this, the stopping up was done at exactly the same time that they were in exactly the same place, furthermore an irate farmer or gamekeeper wanting to kill badgers or foxes presumably would have stopped the sett up again unless he is fearful of being watched.



21.10.2009 17:14

Sett attended today with a PCSO who is reporting to the wildlife officer. Very clearly is a badger sett lots of footprints in the mud in and out o the sett and going into runs in woodland

western sab