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BNP membership list leaked - download it here

anti-bnp | 20.10.2009 14:50

new BNP membership list download (article) (download)

Lets have a discussion about what we should do with it!



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20.10.2009 16:33

What the hell is a .xlsb file and what bit of software do i need to buy to open that then.
Is this a spoof by someone selling software ?


Old list?

20.10.2009 16:55

At first glance, seems to be the old list, but in a very dis-organised state.
Something not genuine about it.



20.10.2009 17:07

Yeah none of the links seem to be working with this, plus one "try this instead" link took me to a stormponce thread on the subject, might be me being a bit paranoid but it keeps saying the link is broken, could be the amount of traffic wiki leaks are getting over it, could be something else, anyone managed to successfully look at the new list yet and does it seem different from the last?

I Hate The Fash

Get it here

20.10.2009 18:47

Download from Wikileaks and open it with Open Office. The file is 1.4MB.

Hopefully someone will find a way to convert it to a pdf file.

Nick Griffin

Snooping on innocent people's private data is NOT "fighting fascism"

21.10.2009 00:11

How many fake entries are there on this alleged list, this time ?

You are not magically "fighting fascism" by snooping on the private personal details of thousands of innocent law abiding people.

What happens when other political parties membership lists get leaked ?

What happens if these BNP or other such party lists are used as harassment target lists or death lists ?

By exploiting this list, you will only give the BNP a propaganda victory and lots of free publicity.

Protect Privacy

Jog on trolls...

21.10.2009 07:17

...this is another blow to griffins boot boys and you know it.



21.10.2009 08:12

How many fake entries are there on this alleged list, this time ?
My guess is none if the last list is anything to go buy

You are not magically "fighting fascism" by snooping on the private personal details of thousands of innocent law abiding people.
Innocent Law Abiding people who wake up one morning and decide to join a right wing Nazi party & Fighting Fascism is Magical.

What happens when other political parties membership lists get leaked ?
Please refer to Red Watch. Is the BNP a political party I thought they where some sort of Joke take for example that no other party are thick enough to let the public have there membership list and to let it leak Twice.

What happens if these BNP or other such party lists are used as harassment target lists or death lists ?
Well this is what happened last time the list was leaked:
But perhaps the real difficulty for the BNP will be getting subscriptions out of people for next year's membership - how many members would join in the knowledge that friends, neighbors and employers will know of their esoteric political leanings.

The leak is bound to cause acute embarrassment to some - last time the BNP lost a list of members a leading ballerina and a servant at Buckingham Palace were the biggest shocks and may I add a practicing witch from Somerset…….

By exploiting this list, you will only give the BNP a propaganda victory and lots of free publicity.

Lots & Lots of embarrassment I should think.

