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FragFM now supporting homophobia

The Whistle Blower | 20.10.2009 07:59

FragFM are renowned for their BNP Propaganda show on a Sunday afternoon with Gill And Heretic, but after reports were made by Indy Media, the show has subsequently closed down. See article

In the report, FragFM’s ‘Admin’ Mikee jumped to the rescue saying that this kind of behavior isn’t acceptable on FragFM, and that action would be taken.

However, Mikee is now starting all of the fuss. He’s been caught in FragFM’s IRC Channel, being homophobic towards FragFM’s very own DJ Subfocus.

DJ Subfocus is openly homosexual, and is happy with who he is. People respect him for who he is, But Mikee can’t seem to get over this, and is often hoarding homophobic remarks like “Fag”, “Queer” and so forth towards DJ Subfocus in IRC.

Why is it that he kicked up such a fuss over the BNP Propaganda show, but will happily start homophobic abuse and slander on IRC?

Seems a bit odd, considering he’s a ‘respectable member’ of the online radio.

Over to you.

The Whistle Blower
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Display the following 10 comments

  1. Forgot to add. — The Whistle Blower
  2. Not here — Sam
  3. Put all the evidence together — Kropotkin
  4. Evidence — The Whistle Blower
  5. Get over it — Garry Mayhew
  6. Evidence #2 — The Whistle Blower
  7. Oh Dear. — r3ggo111
  8. Subfocus here. — DJ Subfocus
  9. So? — Ben Myers
  10. @Ben Myers — DJ Subfocus