BBC Calls on Black History Fabricator to Argue with Nick Griffin on Question Tim
Fair is fair | 19.10.2009 15:05
Question: What does the BNP have to do to be invited onto the BBC’s Question Time? Answer: Win one million votes and two seats in the European Parliament. Question: What does Bonnie Greer have to do to get onto Question Time? Answer: Fabricate black history and be paid for it.
This incongruous state of affairs has revealed itself as final preparations are made for the first appearance of British National Party MEP Nick Griffin on the BBC’s Question Time show of 22 October.
Although it is traditional to have a ‘joker in the pack’ non-politician appear on Question Time along with other serious panellists, the choice of Ms Greer is an obvious attempt to stir up trouble, observers say.
American born Ms Greer, who claims to be a “refugee” who fled the Ronald Reagan presidency, is most famous for the comical ‘black history’ shows she has produced.
The most prominent of these was a radio show called “In Search of the Black Madonna” first broadcast in 2000.
According to the publicity material which accompanied that show, Ms Greer went “in search of the much-venerated Black Madonna, which has been a symbol of power and majesty for European Catholics since medieval times, and examines why, for centuries now, thousands of Europeans have worshipped before this black icon.”
According to Ms Greer, these “black Madonnas” are “considered to be more powerful than the traditional (white) Madonna, and is particularly noted for her miraculous powers, which range from restoring lost memories to resuscitating dead babies.”
Ms Greer went on to make a BBC Two show on this topic and on Africans in European art, called “Reflecting Skin”, broadcast in 2004. According to the publicity material for this show, Ms Greer went in “search of the black image as portrayed by white European artists in this provocative and revealing film.”
Despite Ms Greer’s best efforts at manufacturing this ‘black Madonna’ aspect to Catholicism, the reality is that none of the “black Madonnas” of medieval Europe even remotely resemble, in facial features, black people.
Even the colouring of the statues has no direct racial meaning. The dark colouration is more often than not the result of artists using ebony to make the carving.
Ebony is a general name for very dense black wood, yielded by several species in the genus Diospyros. Other heavy, black (or dark coloured) woods are sometimes also called ebony.
Statues have long been carved from ebony simply because of the hardness of the wood and its resultant longevity — not for any Afrocentrist daydream reasons such as those invented by Ms Greer.
Despite Ms Greer’s invented nonsense, the blabbering liberal classes take all this waffle seriously — so that she has been wheeled out, in the words of The Times newspaper, to “face” Mr Griffin.
* Meanwhile, the Tories have nominated Sayeeda Hussain Warsi, born of Pakistani parents in Yorkshire, to be their representative on the show. Ms Warsi, who unlike Mr Griffin, has never managed to be elected to anything, is another product of Tory affirmative action. Promoted to the Tory shadow cabinet for the Orwellian-named “ministry of social cohesion,” Ms Warsi had to be nominated to the House of Lords by David Cameron to even qualify.
* The extremist Communists who oppose freedom of speech and democracy in Britain have in the interim upped their threats to blockade the BBC’s studios in an attempt to prevent the programme from being broadcast.
Despite public threats of violence and intimidation, the authorities have refused to act.
Although it is traditional to have a ‘joker in the pack’ non-politician appear on Question Time along with other serious panellists, the choice of Ms Greer is an obvious attempt to stir up trouble, observers say.
American born Ms Greer, who claims to be a “refugee” who fled the Ronald Reagan presidency, is most famous for the comical ‘black history’ shows she has produced.
The most prominent of these was a radio show called “In Search of the Black Madonna” first broadcast in 2000.
According to the publicity material which accompanied that show, Ms Greer went “in search of the much-venerated Black Madonna, which has been a symbol of power and majesty for European Catholics since medieval times, and examines why, for centuries now, thousands of Europeans have worshipped before this black icon.”
According to Ms Greer, these “black Madonnas” are “considered to be more powerful than the traditional (white) Madonna, and is particularly noted for her miraculous powers, which range from restoring lost memories to resuscitating dead babies.”
Ms Greer went on to make a BBC Two show on this topic and on Africans in European art, called “Reflecting Skin”, broadcast in 2004. According to the publicity material for this show, Ms Greer went in “search of the black image as portrayed by white European artists in this provocative and revealing film.”
Despite Ms Greer’s best efforts at manufacturing this ‘black Madonna’ aspect to Catholicism, the reality is that none of the “black Madonnas” of medieval Europe even remotely resemble, in facial features, black people.
Even the colouring of the statues has no direct racial meaning. The dark colouration is more often than not the result of artists using ebony to make the carving.
Ebony is a general name for very dense black wood, yielded by several species in the genus Diospyros. Other heavy, black (or dark coloured) woods are sometimes also called ebony.
Statues have long been carved from ebony simply because of the hardness of the wood and its resultant longevity — not for any Afrocentrist daydream reasons such as those invented by Ms Greer.
Despite Ms Greer’s invented nonsense, the blabbering liberal classes take all this waffle seriously — so that she has been wheeled out, in the words of The Times newspaper, to “face” Mr Griffin.
* Meanwhile, the Tories have nominated Sayeeda Hussain Warsi, born of Pakistani parents in Yorkshire, to be their representative on the show. Ms Warsi, who unlike Mr Griffin, has never managed to be elected to anything, is another product of Tory affirmative action. Promoted to the Tory shadow cabinet for the Orwellian-named “ministry of social cohesion,” Ms Warsi had to be nominated to the House of Lords by David Cameron to even qualify.
* The extremist Communists who oppose freedom of speech and democracy in Britain have in the interim upped their threats to blockade the BBC’s studios in an attempt to prevent the programme from being broadcast.
Despite public threats of violence and intimidation, the authorities have refused to act.
Fair is fair