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Is the BBC right to give BNP leader Nick Griffin a platform on Question Time?

no platform | 19.10.2009 12:12 | Anti-racism

There's an online poll which you can be sure all the bnp supporters and those with poorly argued free-speech lines will be clicking on. Maybe worth a click?

no platform


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'Auntie' my arse

19.10.2009 13:01

The poll asks if 'Auntie beeb' is write to allow fascist Griffin on, as though the BBC is some fluffy liberal entity and not the propoganda arm of the British state.

The 'debate' will also feature that ace warmongerer Jack Straw, whose list of crimes are far longer than Nick Griffin's but have been done via the British state.

Griffin and Straw are both racists - fuck em both

could also mention that the guardian is driven by corporate profit...

19.10.2009 15:05

...but not really the point. The pt I think being to resist the broadening of the mainstream legitimate political space to include fascists. Stopping griffin making it to the studio would be the most effective, voting in a quite silly online poll may still be worth doing though.

Couldn't agree more that Straw is warmongering scum and many of QT's regular panellists are guilty of far worse crimes than the BNP, who are unlikely to ever have enough power to commit.

no platform

Free speech

19.10.2009 18:06

Yes everyone has the right to have their say as long as it's not insightful.



19.10.2009 19:15

I've clicked Yes, and at the moment its about 60% yes


why cant a paedo party spout propaganda on newsnight?,No,Neither should be

19.10.2009 20:03

The Nazis had afew "tonto" jewish & muslim members to make their machinery run more effectively, the BNP are a nazi party, their leaders defend the German Nazi parties & still organise with them as is repeatedly seen today & published.
We live in a system were we see that Unicef figures show allows10million children to die unecessarily a year but the BNP & Nazi Germany were worse torturing & systemically murdering millions including children, especially twins with unecessary unscientific experiments,without anaeshetic. Nazis are the vangaurd of Malthusianism of the worst kind, some corporations going today like Morgan Chase,Bayer,exxon had links with IGfarben Auschwitz, many corporations regretted this, but some of them still turn to Nazis in every country to destroy economic democracy without which social democracy is almost meaningless.
With education& fair trade-wages its been shown that population levels stabilise, instead of people being born to be beasts of burden. Safely tested naturally appropriate technology is very useful in hands of educated people.

Uneducated people who wont let Al Queada or paedos have a platform, let the BNP then sit back in their comfy armchairs, well done.When not helping murder mixed race kids in their own countries they help nazis murder millions around the world still From Former yugoslavia to S.america& in Rwanda you will hear fascist, nazi arguments.

Buy hey kids, its free speech,mmmOkayyy?

Green syn


22.10.2009 07:21

'Yes everyone has the right to have their say as long as it's not insightful'

You mean everyone has the right to say something unless it is a perceptive comment?????

Or did you mean that as long as they do not incite (ie. to stir up) hatred?

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