Stop the BNP's Nick Griffin from speaking at the BBC on 22nd October 2009
Anti Nazis | 17.10.2009 17:47 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles | South Coast | World
Nick Griffin from the BNP plans to speak on the BBC's Question Time on Thursady 22nd October. A demonstration will be held outside the BBC on the day. Hopefully we can prevent him from getting in at all if enough people turn up. 5pm, Wood Lane, London W12 7RU. This evil fascist must not be given a platform to speak, shame on the BBC!
Anti Nazis
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Don't forget...
17.10.2009 18:02
give him enough rope...!
17.10.2009 20:38
Times are-a-changing
18.10.2009 06:57
S'funny how those who have for years argued for a policy of 'no platform' have now decided that a platform on national TV is now the best way with which to combat the BNP.
It is nothing more than self-reassurance on behalf of the Left faced with the reality that the BBC is granting Griffin this opportunity.
"Let's cross our fingers and hope he turns up dressed in an SS uniform and gives the audience a right arm salute!"
don't let him into the bbc
19.10.2009 00:47
why dont cant the paedophile party spout propaganda on newsnight?Neither should
19.10.2009 15:22
Lets allow the antidemocratic fascist party on for the sake of democracy, the truth will turn people off. If he gets on I hope at least Eddie Izzard is in opposition & not some New Labout stooge.
The BNP are nazi genociders,much much more so than Straw though. Its a malthusian system not fascist, wether Brown or Cameroon are in the Afghan war & cockler deaths would have happened.
Malthusian capitalism, the false economy whatever you want to call it lets 10million children die unecessarily every year,check UNicef figures. With education& fair trade-wages its been shown that population levels stabilise, instead of people being born to as beasts of burden&climate change. The Nazis though calculatingly killed & tortured millions in torturous ways, experimenting on& torturing children without anaesthetic, helping unsustainable companies make mostly dodgy technology.
Green syndicalist
why dont cant a paedophile party spout propaganda on newsnight?Neither should be
19.10.2009 18:16
The Nazis had token "tonto" jewish & muslim members to make their machinery run more effectively, the BNP are a nazi party, they defend the German Nazi parties & still organise with them as is repeatedly shown.
We live in a system that Unicef figures show allows10million children to die unecessarily a year but the BNP & Nazi Germany were worse torturing & systemically murdering millions including children, especially twins with unecessary unscientific experiments,without anaeshetic. Nazis are the vangaurd of Malthusianism of the worst kind, some corporations going today like Morgan Chase,Bayer,exxon had links with IGfarben Auschwitz, many corporations regretted this, but some of them still turn to Nazis in every country to destroy economic democracy without which social democracy is almost meaningless.
With education& fair trade-wages its been shown that population levels stabilise, instead of people being born to be beasts of burden. Safely tested naturally appropriate technology is very useful in hands of educated people.
Green syndicalist
why dont cant a paedophile party spout propaganda on newsnight?Neither should be
19.10.2009 18:45
The Nazis had token "tonto" jewish & muslim members to make their machinery run more effectively, the BNP are a nazi party, they defend the German Nazi parties & still organise with them as is repeatedly shown.
We live in a system that Unicef figures show allows10million children to die unecessarily a year but the BNP & Nazi Germany were worse torturing & systemically murdering millions including children, especially twins with unecessary unscientific experiments,without anaeshetic. Nazis are the vangaurd of Malthusianism of the worst kind, some corporations going today like Morgan Chase,Bayer,exxon had links with IGfarben Auschwitz, many corporations regretted this, but some of them still turn to Nazis in every country to destroy economic democracy without which social democracy is almost meaningless.
With education& fair trade-wages its been shown that population levels stabilise, instead of people being born to be beasts of burden. Safely tested naturally appropriate technology is very useful in hands of educated people.
Green syndicalist