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Four people prevented from going to Copenhagen

A Person | 16.10.2009 12:31 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos | Repression | Terror War

Guardian reporting four people prevented from going to Copenhagen

The Guardian is reporting that four climate activists have been stopped from going to Copenhagen for planning meetings, though they did go later, not just the two we knew about.

Exit visas. The preserve of banana republics and communist states.

A Person


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climate change prottesters have traitors amongst you

21.10.2009 22:44

the derby branch of the climate change group id not ride along with .i recieved an email to go to copehagen with and to the reform church meeting tomorow in derby /how can i join these people .the top man peter robinson and councillor cliar .well i would not want on my side .we are fighting two incinerators in derby /they both want them .so how are they green loyal to the cause these incinerators cause cancers harm unborn children ..and bring deaths forward /plus the toxic ash /harm global warming .they are traitors to global warming ban them .well be outside refom church tomorow in beckett st derby 6.30 to tell them .they are 2 faced spies pete

peter ambler
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