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The "March for Shariah" must be opposed

Phil | 15.10.2009 12:03 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

On the 31st October Islam for the UK, an organisation of ultra-conservative Islamists led by Anjem Choudary, is holding a "March for Shariah." With the fascists of the EDL protesting in Leeds, there is no better time to offer an opposition to Islamism grounded in the non-hierarchical, anti-authouritarian, anti-racist perspective of the radical left.

This march, according to their website, is "a spectacular procession" that will "call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system its members and legislature, and demand the full implementation of Shari'ah in Britain." Those who take part in the march will be declaring that "we have had enough of democracy and man-made law and the depravity of the British culture."

Such an announcement has already pushed all the buttons of the reactionaries of the British far-right. The Daily Express was quick to announce that "Muslims" have demanded full Shariah law, with the majority of readers who don't stray too far past the headlines losing the fact that it is "a radical Muslim group" hardly representative of the entire religion. No doubt statements from the British national Party (BNP) and the English Defence League (EDL) sourced directly from such right-wing tabloids will follow. This only shows that Choudary and his people know exactly which buttons to push in order to gain maximum exposure and infamy. It also offers them, by pointing at the fascists, a way to say that only racists oppose them.

It must be stated, unequivocally, that this is not true. The number of those opposed to Islamism goes far beyond the British and Western right. As a conservative, right-wing, and reactionary ideology itself, Islamism is the enemy of anti-fascist and radical left movements as much as fascism and neo-liberal imperialism are. As the Anarchist Federation (A-Fed) put it;

"We are the enemies of what gets termed ‘radical’ or ‘extremist’ Islamic groups. Their doctrine holds the revolution back. Whilst we are aware that Muslims too have been the victims of media vilification, some Islamists do indeed seek to justify indiscriminate terror. Whilst we know that support for these ideas has been the result of the actions of the state, not least its wars, we oppose disaffected Muslims who take up these ideas. The beliefs of the likes of al-Qaeda and the groups they support are revolting, and reactionary, and hold back a culture of genuine resistance. Our enemy’s enemy is NOT our friend. We have nothing in common with these people and their authoritarian, misogynist and anti-Semitic ideals."

With the fascist thugs of the EDL in Leeds that day, the time has come to put that principle into practice. When the EDL march, they do so against mosques and ordinary Muslims, their ranks filled with football hooligans and BNP activists, despite each group publicly disowning the other. With an active, reactionary, and highly visible extremist presence on the streets of London that day, the left cannot be silent.

The march commences at the House of Commons, and will make its way to Trafalgar Square via 10 Downing Street. It must be met with opposition, not from the fascists of the far-right, but from those whose resistance is grounded in working-class unity, anti-fascism, and anti-capitalism. Moreover, that opposition must be one which transcends race and religion.

There are Muslim groups - such as British Muslims for Secular Democracy (BMSD), Muslims Against Sharia, and al-Fatiha - who would readily oppose Choudary and his march. No doubt there are far more individual Muslims, Asians, and Arabs who would also stand together against him. What we must avoid is the practice of authoritarian leftists such as George Galloway or the Socialist Workers' Party. To oppose Choudary's march is not simply to oppose the implementation of Sharia law but also to oppose the authoritarianism, patriarchy, and heterosexism that groups such as his offer. As such, even if they oppose this march, we cannot ally ourselves with those who would promote values so antithetical to our own. There should be no racial or religious borders beyond which bigotry is immune to resistance.

What this is, then, is a call to arms. If there is no opposition to this march from the radical left, in the same vein as we would and should oppose a march by the BNP, the EDL, or the old National Front, then it will be a massive failure on our part. More people than ever before are dissatisfied with the status quo and opening their eyes to the injustices of capitalism. Groups such as Islam for the UK, as readily as the BNP and EDL, are turning that dissatisfaction away from revolution and towards reaction.

If we are ever to see a radical transformation of society, that trend must be resisted at all cost.

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Hide the following 16 comments

Excellent article!

15.10.2009 13:32

I think the growth of the EDL is partly because there is no real opposition to Islamo-fascists from the left fearing being racist by doing so.


Well Said

15.10.2009 13:40

Fascism is fascism is fascism. Whether it comes from a bonehead in a union flag or a Muslim with an Islamic flag, we must defend from those we would be persecuted by.

Northern Anarcho

Shift to the right

15.10.2009 15:22

The trend that's occurring at the moment is pretty clear. Increasingly some sections of society are seeing their interests as being dictated by their ethnicity, religion or national characteristics. This world view that it's your skin colour or belief in this or that God which defines you as a person has been engendered in no small part by the propmotion of political Multiculturalism by those in power. This is not the simple mixing of nationalities and cultures which has been going on for milennia but the political process of allocating financial and social resources based on artifical characteristics such as nation of origin, race and religion.

The BNP themselves have even tapped into this form of Multiculturalism, demanding that "white heritage" is preserved and the interests of "indigenous" citizens are realised. Of course this is all nonsense, our skin colour does not define our place in society, i don't have any more common interest with Richard Branson than an Indian resturant worker has with Lakshi Mittal. However despite this glaring contradiction increasing numbers of people are following this idea that it is race, nationality and religion that define someone interests and not their social or economic situation.

Choudary, Griffin and all the other far-right muppets represent two sides of the same coin and i completely agree with the opening poster in that we do need to confront both groups, theoretically and practically, on the streets and in debate. Part of this has to be confronting political Multiculturalism as well as promoting a sense of community through class politics.

The idea of having socialists, anarchists, anti-fascists and other leftw ign and class struggle groups protesting against choudary's bunch while the EDL are miles away in Leeds is a good one. I'd love to see some artistic activists making a placard featuring Choudary and Griffin cosying up in bed, they seemt o hate each other but have so much in common!


good suggestion

15.10.2009 15:24

but is it correct response? .. yes S4Uk Choudary and all are scum but are they a honey trap a distraction like EDL from doing the work we need to do where we live? i am sure there are plenaty of people who woudl be up for this mind ;)


EDL now doing London

15.10.2009 15:32

Lady England
just got home, OFFICIAL STANCE OF EDL FOR 31ST = LONDON against ANJEM CHOUDRAY, all those that are able to attend contact me direct for meeting points etc, anyone unable to make london and still wish to have a presence in LEEDS that day let me know a...s need to let police know asap, I will be co-ordinating london, will have the banners etc and we need to show him we wont let him take our CAPITAL CITY !

Lady England wrote at 16:29
after talking to tommy all day, it has been decided that our main demo will be london as our primary objectives are against anjem choudray and sharia law and this is where he will be, we need to show him he cant make demands in our capitol city or against our monarch, anyone unabvle to make london and still wishing to go to leeds to protest contact me for details as we will be having a simultanous demo there for those that want it or cant make london



15.10.2009 15:33

Yes, it is about time we started to target the real fascism in this country - Islam!


Keith misses the point by a country mile....

15.10.2009 16:59

.....and ends up in Nick Griffin's lap.

It's good that the EDL decided to change their venue, this will mean that if a counter-demo against Choudary and the EDL is called everyone who wants to be there doesn't have to worry about Leeds.

Fuck the EDL and fuck Choudary, they are different sides of the same coin.


Islam and the left

15.10.2009 17:26

The traditional 'left' (SWP etc) have refused to criticise Islam as they want to sell papers and get more members. They often say this is because they 'respect others' cultural diferences', but I for one refuse to sit in a gender-segregated. space in a mosque after anti-war marches.

This has left the way clear for the BNP and other far-right groups to incite hatred against followers of the religion, as is evident by some of the right wing trolls on here.

The radical left should be critical of Islam and all other religions that depend on adherence to 'laws' made by 'god' which are often anti-woman, anti-gay etc.

People are free to follow any religion they please, but don't judge me or anyone else on what your religion tells you is right or wrong, and religious leaders, while entitled to their views, should have no power to affect the government or the law of this or any country.

We must feel free to criticise all religions which often preach intolerance of anyone with a different world view, without pandering to the BNP's race-hate rhetoric.


counter demo?

15.10.2009 19:55

is anything going to be arranged to counter the EDL and Chowdry's protest?


Interesting Development

15.10.2009 20:12

As the author rightly points out this provides an opportunity for the left to argue against both forms of extremism and move beyond the simple EDL/anti-EDL binary the media seem to be placing us in. At the Manchester counter-demo against the EDL, when a placard was raised by the EDL proclaiming “Sharia Law oppresses women” an awkward silence seemed to descend on many of the counter-demonstrators. The way in which we relate to Islam in relation to the emergence of a far right explicitly targeting Islam is a key question that needs answering if we are to stay relevant to the debate. Answers to this question may prove awkward for large sections of the Left that have sought, often uncritical, engagements with Islamic sections of society (e.g. the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and perhaps more noticeably with regards to the crisis in Gaza earlier this year). However this demonstration in London gives us the opportunity, perhaps, to make clear a rejection of both of these forms of authoritarianism. This opportunity has been lacking in mobilisations against the EDL in which a variety of complex and nuanced positions were lumped into a homogenous anti-EDL camp.

In the recent edition of Shift magazine an interview with autonomous anticapitalist group TOP Berlin describes how German groups are engaging with the shift within the European far right towards a focus on Islam. As well as in Britain and Germany this is embodied by the populist campaign of Geert Wilders in Holland and this horrifying, yet popular, viral video on You Tube. Some groups in Germany have responded with a combination of actively opposing far right demonstrations combined with holding demonstrations in the days before articulating a clear rejection of both islamism and fascism.

There are many ways in which the left can respond to this demonstration on the 31st. Avoiding the demonstration would, in my opinion, provide an opportunity for the EDL and other groups to appear as the voice of reason against the Sharia law. The left must have a presence and must attempt to argue against both forms of authoritarianism if we wish to stay relevant in this debate. How we do will, hopefully, emerge through discussions like these. I’m particularly interested in seeing the response of UAF and similar groups inspired by an often unquestioning, simplified anti-imperialist position which has led to the support of authoritarian regimes such as Hamas and Iran.


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Let me know of any plans

15.10.2009 23:47

It's good to see that people are receptive to this notion, and it's not just fascist trolls missing the point / authoritarian leftists calling me racist who've responded to the idea of a radical left challenge to Islamism.

Being in Liverpool, I'm a bit too far away to organise anything, but if something does come up I can of course make sure that antifascists and anarchists up this way are aware of what's going on. If anybody hears anything, please let me know so that I can publicise it. Otherwise, especially with the EDL now making their way down, there's the risk that the UAF will dominate everything, protest the EDL, and prove the fascists right whilst the religious extremists march on unopposed.

I'll keep an eye out for information myself, but a heads up on any planned actions would be greatly appreciated.

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contributions from urban75

16.10.2009 09:08

D02 posting the below with permission of (busy) author .. lots of debate currently at Urban75 about this whole issue

"Spion 15-10-2009, 22:45

Maybe there needs to be a new campaign against the likes of Choudry? - the UAF isn't appropriate. They're not fascist - they're not a direct physical threat on the streets. They should be allowed to march but opposed loudly and leafletted etc, with clear propaganda against the dead end of Islamism (as useless and reactionary against its stated aims of US/UK occupation, as no answer in socio-economic terms) while making clear any opposition to them is not racist, is not anti-muslims as a religious/cultural group, for religious freedom but against religion being being able to impose its view. And it's massively important that w/c asians/muslims are heavily involved.

Workers/Communities Against Fundamentalism?

In London there'd have to be a response against the EDL too, with their racist approach. Damn, this is getting complicated :D "


Everything is just a means to an end to the Marxist left

16.10.2009 13:34

The real issue is that the far-left have no real principles, everything is merely a means to an end. Anything that is viewed as helpful to the end of their fantastical revolution is 'good' and anything that they think hinders it is 'bad' - even if by any other measure 'good' is bad and vice versa.

This leads to all sorts of contradictions and swerving violently between different positiona, such as being in favour of women's and gay rights, religious freedom etc but at the same time supporting radical Islamists that are fanatically opposed to all three. It was also the thinking of course that led to mass killings and atrocities in communist countries - it became logical and 'good' to kill or abuse anyone who appeared to be standing in the way of the end.

The most striking example of this I believe was the communists' line of fascism in the 1930s. First of all they decided that world capitalism was about to collapse and therefore the task was to finish it off. Therefore the moderate-left were attacked as being as bad as the fascists - with capitalism seemingly on its last legs there was no point in compromise, only revolution. Then when it became clear that capitalism wasn't about to collapse they performed a U-turn and everything was about uniting with any party opposed to fascism. Finally there was another violent change in position as the communists decided that a war between fascism and their erstwhile 'democratic' allies was what was needed to ruin the world capitalist system and herald the revolution. Suddenly the fascists became allies and the 'bourgeois democrats' were the enemy again and the USSR started sending supplies to Nazi Germany just a year or two after sending supplies to fight against them in Spain.

It will be interesting to see what happens. In my opinion it is likely that the SWP et al will unite with the Sharia crowd against the EDL, thereby allying with the group with the most openly reactionary position. It wouldn't be the first time they've started shouting "We're all Hezbollah now" and "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is great) etc.


You're all nuts!

16.10.2009 17:58

Look around you people. There is even less chance of the pro-Shariah campaign achieving anything than there is of the BNP forming the next government with the EDL as its Ministry of Culture. These are side-shows. The real enemy is cosily ensconced in Westminster , Whitehall and Scotland Yard. One person is deported from Britain every 8 minutes. The prisons are filling up with young Muslims whose greatest crime was looking at something dodgy on the internet.

Yes, I hate religion too but get real!


@ dissenter

17.10.2009 12:40

The BNP, EDL, and Islam for the UK aren't "side-shows" - they're reactionary movements. That's why they need to be opposed. Reactionary movements like these direct peoples' real and genuine frustrations at the world down the wrong channels, so as long as they exist there will always be a divisionary element that distracts from real activism. By opposing them we're not just standing against their position, but offering a constructive opposition to the very real issues that fascists and Islamists twist to suit their own agenda.

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Excellent post Phil

18.10.2009 08:00

The fact is that people laughed at Hitler, his silly uniforms etc. We do not have democracy in this country, we never have but historically our forbears have achieved through spilling their blood and fighting the state a society where now women are not chattels, gay people are not imprisoned for being gay, there are no such people as slaves (not legally anyway). A BNP or Sharia government would with one fell swoop rid this nation of any opposition, bye bye all demonstrations, actions and dissent, hello death penalty the BNP want to execute "terrorists" (probably all of us) and paedophiles, fascist fundamentalists want to execute gay people, anyone committing adultery which has included child victims of rape and anyone who criticises their narrow version of Islam.
Climate change, animal rights, the ecomomy, racism, many important issues would be completely sidelined under a regime of either group and maybe forever. The opinion of the regime would become indisputable fact which is would be very dangerous to counter.
I can't see any of these scum getting power but Phil is right at present we have 2 authoritarian groups both of whom want absolute power, alienated young men are beginning to feel polarised and are looking for something to belong to. This must never be allowed to gain momentum.
I am just really pissed off that whilst we should be concentrating on the greatest challenge of all time i.e the destruction of life on earth that race and religion are the major focus of conflict, a conflict which none of us has chosen but may be forced into. I for one thought that we were over the jackboot of religious oppression and fascism but we should not be complacent.

Lynn Sawyer