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Common Place users meet to support antifascism

newbie | 13.10.2009 22:52 | Anti-racism | Free Spaces

The Common PLace in Leeds has had some bad reports recently here on Indymedia, but tonight a lot of members came together to support antifascism

Just returned from a meeting at the Common Place, a social-centre in Leeds in the north of England. There was a meeting there advertised on this thread: I am posting this for those who are interested in what happened but weren’t able to attend. Well the meeting was very well attended. There were probably about 40 people there I guess, which I understand is about 5 to 10 times the usual. The meeting and the situation it had been called to try and address had been caused by a pacifist on one of the Common Place committees blocking use of the building by an antifascist group. It was quite a long meeting, a lot was said, but apart from this one guy everyone was supporting the antifascists. He admitted that he didn’t actually know anything about the antifascist group anyway. It was agreed that what he done was wrong. It was also agreed that the committee he was a part of had had an improper understanding of concensus decision making and that one person should not have been able to block a booking by a well-established group that use the place. It was agreed that the group had as much right to use the Common Place as anyone else and that this guy couldn’t block groups like that in the future. People didn’t really feel it necessary to go through the whole violence v non-violence debate because they all agreed except this one guy (who seemed pretty confused actually.) Afterwards a lot of people were saying that they couldn’t believe the meeting took place, and that this guy is always doing something like this. I don’t know if it is all worked out, but I hope so. Common Place users seem pretty clear in their support for antifascists (as well as groups like the EZLN which were mentioned) and hopefully everyone will respect each other more in future without one person being allowed to rule everything with politics that most users reject.



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15.10.2009 18:04

Please keep it civil:

"Articles and/or comments may be hidden for the following reasons:

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Indy Admin

Hey Indymedia!

15.10.2009 23:40

Hi everyone! I'm the person who wrote the article here, the report on the meeting. I really didn't think it'd be in any way controversial, it's just an account of what happened, there were plenty of people there to verify it. I'm kinda surprised at the reaction from some people - well that is an understatement actually. I only put it up on Indymedia not on the northern site as I couldn't link to it. When it appeared there it was edited, I don't mind so much, but it wasn't me that posted it there. I don't know why it's been hidden because I think it was someone from the northern indymedia group who put it up. I tried emailing them to find out what was going on in line with a suggestion on this thread, but they've just ignored my email and it hasn't gone up on the list. What's going on, I feel that I'm stuck in some kind of indymedia war here!? I was just trying to be helpful by posting up what had happened at the mmeting. Sorry if I offended anyone.

PS I didn't go to the meeting tonight 'cos I was doing something else. Sorry.

newbie xx


Display the following 79 comments

  1. PS — newbie
  2. Comment — Antifascist
  3. A further point — Antifascist
  4. Reasonably well-run — anon
  5. Left a nasty taste in my mouth — Zeb
  6. we all have to take some responsibility — collective responsibility
  7. Stop this thread — stop this thread
  8. not over — sceptic
  9. Why? — Hilary
  10. Last night's meeting — anon
  11. P.S. — anon
  12. The news is there — Stop this thread
  13. Lies in an e-mail — a bit more
  14. In response to the above — Hilary
  15. The road to a shit social centre is [sometimes] paved with good intentions — Bob
  16. thursday meetings — member
  17. Clarification — Sorry, but some of us have better things to do, child-care, work, etc
  18. clarification — cp member
  19. Last night's meeting — Common as muck
  20. Clarification — Another member
  21. Sorry, but some of us have better things to do, child-care, work, etc — Another CPer
  22. Another try — ...
  23. Good post — commonly miss meetings :(
  24. Sorry, no edit. — commonly miss meetings :(
  25. Concensus — Yes I'm a CP Member too!
  26. Just obeying orders? — AntiNazi
  27. Clarification — CP0
  28. Attempt at censorship on Indymedia Northern — Whisltle blower
  29. corrections — Corrector
  30. Another report — anon
  31. Nothing's changed — Antifascist
  32. More lies from the same source — Quack
  33. Further reading — unimpressed
  34. Pants on fire — Porkie pies
  35. Reports — My 2ps worth
  36. Goodbye Common Place — anon
  37. 2p is about your 'Just an opinion' is worth — ...
  38. This whole sad saga — @
  39. Stop smearing antifascists with your lies — Leeds @ctivist
  40. [shakes head in despair] — T
  41. on consensus — greg
  42. Chinny Chin!! — Jimmy Hill
  43. Why? — ???
  44. Fair play greg — Night-Owl
  45. Innacuracies and Slander — Northerner
  46. Trying to keep it behind closed doors — Yorkshire Born & Bred
  47. "it appears to refer to the comments" — Northerner
  48. "Northern activists" — Northern Activist
  49. Northerner — Yorkshire Born & Bred
  50. "an objection to this group using the building" — Lopsided
  51. Comment — .
  52. PS — .
  53. Did he have a chance? — Lopsided
  54. Think this is better advice on the whole — YB&B
  55. A VERY fair chance — YB&B
  56. Put upon — YB&B
  57. Last night — Shutting down
  58. Don't give up the fight... — Evicted
  59. Deafening silence — Weary
  60. Why not email Northern Indymedia your concerns? — Anonymouse
  61. Troll — RNB
  62. Unravelling the lies — Sickened by this Dishonesty
  63. Troll Alert — Mac
  64. my reading — will
  65. we are too nice sometimes — @narcho-girl
  66. Destructive? — 635 supporter
  67. Name calling - RNB — Yes Weary
  68. hidden on northern imc — oddjob
  69. Public accounts from real people vs anon net hearsay — Ironically Anon
  70. Does anyone else find it confising ... — Having it both ways
  71. Speculation? — Black n Red
  72. How to fight this.. — hint hint hint
  73. Finding it strange — Tom
  74. hint, hint, hint — Hinternet
  75. Call yourselves "activists" — Shame on you
  76. Tonight's meeting — Good luck CP
  77. to the poster... — jimdog
  78. don't expect people who care about the truth to be making posts — list reader
  79. to newbie — b.