Climate Change Is a Con
Climate Change Scam = Increased Taxes and Population Control | 13.10.2009 08:24
There are lots of climate change activists on this website. Is there anyone who agrees that climate change (especially as it relates to CO2) is a complete con? I respect activists but am dismayed that so many decide to fall into "inconvenient truth" trap. Please research climate change, government involvement, green agenda, population reduction etc. I agree that protecting our environment and animals is important, but the climate change con has been perpetrated for too long now and its ultimate aim is to increase taxes and to implement population control. Please research before posting replies. THANKS.
Climate Change Scam = Increased Taxes and Population Control
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13.10.2009 09:02
What starts as a good idea is twisted into a money maker.
Consider speed cameras, or the conjestion charge. I know someone who was involved in the manchester's conjection change proposed payment scheme. There was fears that they would be overwhelmed with payments from day 1. The council said this wouldn't happen as people would be on their high horse and get the bus. But, over time, their predictions were based on the fact that traffic would gradually increase and would return to normal levels. Thats the council saying that - the same people who said that the conjestion charge would reduce traffic.
It wasn't about reducing traffic, it was about making money and getting the government payouts for investment. The promotion of climate change (what happened to global warming? are we hedging our bets that it may get cooler?) is exactly the same. Its about generating revenue for the government. Find people's fears and leech off them.
I think it is ludicrous that anyone would assume that the temperature on a planet that is orbiting around the sun should remain constant over time. Why should it? Its a bit piece of rock flying through space, there so reason to think the temperature should stay a nice 23 degrees forever.
Greenhouse gases do effect the temperature but to a very small degree when compared to astronomical changes which we don't have any control over. There are all sorts of cyclic oscillations on the earth that change our orbit and tilt relative to the sun. Of course the temperature is going to change. Its worth remembering that manmade greenhouse gases are a tiny percentage of the overall greenhouse gases (less 3% if I remember rightly). One big volcano going off will do more harm than man ever will.
So why is it that scientists flock to climate change research?
Well, from working at a uni in research, I noted how projects are made to fit the funding (rather than funding made to fit the project). So if you put the words "climate change" into the project title, you are much more likely to get funding, keep your job etc.etc. than doing a project that disputes climate change. Research is BIASED by the funding.
Why do governments promote climate change policy?
To make money and get keep everyone in order.
The environment and energy resources are very important. But things like carbon capture are just a white elephant to keep people happy.
ted heath