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Caroline Lucas visits the Magic roundabout camp at VESTAS

Windy Miller | 09.10.2009 14:50

Caroline Lucas,Green Party MEP today visited the Vestas protest camp on the Isle of Wight for a lunch of Pumpkin soup.

She apologised for not having been able to make it earlier due to The Green Party Conference and European Parliament committments.She has vowed to take up the Vestas case in the European Parliament.
So before we all turn into pumpkins get yer glass slippers on and jump on the magic roundabout on the I.O.W yerselves or if in London this weekend go to the Worker's Climate Action Conference (see earlier post on newswire for full details).

Windy Miller


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We have the Will to Win... and the MEP's onside...

09.10.2009 17:21

first draft press release. we're running off solar power in a caravan on the roundabout. plenty of power, but internet connection is fleeting, phone bluetoothing images isn't behaving, and we've got loads of work to do, and a campaign meeting tonight. if you can help us get the message out we'll love you forever! (and feed you pumpkin soup when *you* come to visit!)

[proper press release with photos to follow ASAP on main newswire - thanks windy miller!]

Winds of Change as Green MEP meets ex-Vestas workers

Green Party leader Dr. Caroline Lucas, met with the workers who were sacked for occupying the Vestas factory earlier this year, along with Union and Trades Council representatives, local supporters and activists who have been camped out on the roundabout at the factory entrance since July.
Dr. Lucas, who is also Prospective parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavillion, spent two hours on the roundabout learning first hand about the struggle of the workers and their supporters. She was shown around the camp before being invited to share lunch with everyone. She heard the full story of the three months since 18 workers occupied the factory for 18 days.
There have been rallies and protests in support across the country - and the world. At the TUC conference in Liverpool last month, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband was forced to address the workers directly and applauded them when the occupiers recieved a spontaneous standing ovation from the floor.
Meanwhile, a 24 hour vigil has remained on the roundabout complete with a field kitchen, an exhibition space and tents.
Roundabout spokesperson James Beecher said: “We welcome Carolines’ support. Around 30 workers, locals, union reps, environmental and social justice activists and now the Island’s Green MEP are continuing to fight to keep wind turbine manufacturing on the island. The fight continues and we have the ‘Will to Win’.
“The lunch we had today was a great meeting of minds and a show of strength. We are a growing force and we are civilised.”
The lunch was supported by a wide range of groups including ITAG – locals campaigning for windfarms on the Isle of Wight – and the RMT, FBU, Unison and GMB unions. Members of activist groups including Climate Camp, Workers Climate Action, Workers Liberty, Climate Rush and Bicycology also spoke to the Green Party Leader.
The menu included organic pumpkin soup with all ingredients sourced on the island; including a Godshill Farm pumpkin. Homemade vegan chocolate brownies were served afterwards.
Dr Lucas wore a ‘Support Vestas Workers’ T-shirt and took home a CD of the campaign song after making a donation to campaign funds. Before her departure a toast was made to celebrate the news that plans for a coal fired power station in Kingsnorth have been shelved. Everyone raised a glass and drank to future success for the Wind Turbine campaign.
Following today’s Government report on the future of British energy supplies, it is clear that Wind Power is the best option to pursue in the coming decade, with coal too expensive for both climate and consumers to deserve Government support. This making it all the more pressing for the UK promote manufacturing of Turbines, in particular restarting production at the existing Vestas facility on the Isle of Wight.
The County Council’s chief executive and the leader David Pugh were invited to the lunch. They chose not to attend. The roundabout spokesperson added: “We’re sorry this council, which claims to want to help the workers, missed lunch. We extend to them an open invitation to join us for a meal to discuss genuine ways forward involving deeds and not just words to help the workers and the island as a whole.”

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