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Campaign success: EON shelves plans for dirty coal at Kingsnorth

WDM | 08.10.2009 08:55 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Social Struggles | World

Following 2 years of campaigning work by the World Development Movement, and many other anti-poverty and environmental groups, power company EON have announced tonight that they have shelved plans to build a new dirty coal fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent.WDM supporters at this year's Mili-band protest

Coal is the dirtiest way to generate electricity and Kingsnorth alone would have produced more CO2 per year than Tanzania.

Kirsty Wright, from the World Development Movement said:

"This is a significant victory for the campaigners in the UK and across the World. Climate change threatens to unfairly wreck the lives of millions of the world's poorest people. We need to make good our promises to cut our emissions here in the UK, and take leadership in tackling climate change globally"

WDM has been instrumental in the campaign against Kingsnorth, making the important connection with it's potential impact on global poverty.

WDM has worked in solidarity with campaigners across the world, as well as in Medway near the planned power station. Thousands of WDM supporters have taken the Big IF action to oppose new coal, both online and offline.

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