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Surpise announcement - EON fucked off!

e-on fucked off !! | 08.10.2009 00:07 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | South Coast

Tonight the German energy giant Eon issued a statement which effectively takes them out of the picture for the governments gift of one billion pounds of public money to build a new coal-fired power station with the controversial carbon capture and storage technology, and means that (for now at least) the aging Kingsnorth power station will not be replaced.

In 2008 the Camp For Climate Action targeted the dinosaur Kingsnorth coal-fired power station in a week long protest which became synonymous with political policing. Eon spent millions upgrading the fencing and in the last couple of months have done the same for their dirty CO2 belching beast in Nottinghamshire. Ratcliffe-on-soar was the alleged target of the 114 people who where preemptively arrested earlier in the year. Eon has been hit again and again with a campaign (dubbed E-on F-off) to damage it's band and discourage contractors bidding to build their proposed new coal-fired power station.

Tonights surprise decision has been greeted by cautious jubilation by campaigners who are quick to point out that which this battle appears to have been won, the battle against new coal continues.

e-on fucked off !!


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cautious optimism indeed

08.10.2009 11:11

> Tonight the German energy giant Eon issued a statement which effectively takes them out of
> the picture for the governments gift of one billion pounds of public money to build a new
> coal-fired power station with the controversial carbon capture and storage technology

Not true - EON claim they still see themselves as 'in the running' for the CCS funding:

We need to stay smart - this is only a partial victory - and not take our eye off the ball.

Maybe now is a good time to research the other proposed new coal stations too?
