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Climate Change, Energy and the Politics of the Future - Dr Alison Cooke

Chris | 07.10.2009 23:15 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Sheffield

Attached is a recording of a talk by Dr Alison Cooke, the first of 3 'Plan 2050 Environment Lectures', organised by Sheffield Cathedral and the Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change, which was held on Tuesday 6th October 2009.

The project Alison is involved with:

Future Climate

The listing for the 3 lectures:

Climate Change, Energy and the Politics of the Future

The book by David MacKay that Alison refered to:

Book: Sustainable Energy — without the hot air

The organisers of the event:

Sheffield Cathedral

Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change

Plan 2050

- Homepage:


Some more photos...

07.10.2009 23:26

Not many meetings happen in a setting like this...


Climate Future's Project Report

23.10.2009 15:27

The Climate Future's Project report which Alice Cooke talked about is available here:



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Cathedral Climate bore event

12.10.2009 18:18

I did Not attend and dont know if it WAS a bore, but, what I see from the photos is what I suspected of these WDM and SCACC type events....A sea of WHITE and sometimes Green faces.
This is not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but, it seems to me, that none, or very few anyway of these middle class do-gooders seem to ever get the point.

Eat the rich. Act now.

nOAH FinniTY