Vestas Camp update: Green Leader to take Vestas Fight to Europe
PeterPannier | 07.10.2009 14:01 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Workers' Movements | South Coast | World
Green Party Leader, the Isle of Wight’s Green MEP, and prospective parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavilion, Dr. Caroline Lucas MEP is to visit the Vestas Wind Turbine Blade factory on the IOW on Friday (9TH October). From 11.30 am – 1.30 pm she will be present at the ‘Magic Roundabout’ Solidarity/Protest Camp, St. Cross Business Park, Dodnor Lane, Newport, IOW. Dr Lucas has arranged to share lunch with the workers and their supporters, to listen and learn more about how she can help the campaign(1). (PHOTO OPPORTUNITY)
PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: Green Party Leader, the Isle of Wight’s Green MEP, and prospective parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavilion, Dr. Caroline Lucas MEP is to visit the Vestas Wind Turbine Blade factory on the IOW on Friday (9TH October). From 11.30 am – 1.30 pm she will be present at the ‘Magic Roundabout’ Solidarity/Protest Camp, St. Cross Business Park, Dodnor Lane, Newport, IOW. Dr Lucas has arranged to share lunch with the workers and their supporters, to listen and learn more about how she can help the campaign(1).
Campaigners and Vestas workers from the Magic Roundabout Solidarity Camp will welcome Dr. Caroline Lucas MEP to their protest site on Friday. The Vestas Wind Turbine Blade factory was closed on August 10th this year, “but the campaign is far from over,” said Marina Pepper. Caroline Lucas meets with workers as they demand to be allowed to join a meeting between Ed Miliband MP – Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change – and the leaders of the IOW council, in London next week (2). “After all, if Dr. Lucas can meet with them, why can’t Mr. Miliband?” asked Ms. Pepper.
After Ed Miliband MP and his Lib Dem counterpart Simon Hughes MP both made mention of Vestas at their respective party conferences, Caroline Lucas says she is coming to find out more about the campaign and how she can help at the European Parliament (3). “We’re enthusiastic about the fact that Caroline says she is coming to listen, not to make excuses, offer promises or spin rhetoric,” said James Beecher.
He added: “The Vestas workers have maintained their independence throughout this campaign - showing they can confront the mainstream politicians. But all of us in the campaign have warmly welcomed anyone willing to offer genuine solidarity or support”.
“The Vestas workers have not received a penny from the Government either for the loss of redundancy pay or as investment in jobs. While it has offered money to Vestas, the Government has failed to offer any practical help to the campaign,” argued James.
“The Government continues to spout spin regarding ‘new green jobs’ and ‘international leadership’ in the run-up to the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit, but the rhetoric is shown to be nothing more than hot air by the Vestas dispute,” said Marina Pepper. “The Magic Roundabout Solidarity Camp hopes that it can not only win for the Isle of Wight workers, but play a role in the growing campaign for Environmental and Social Justice that is coming together globally in the run-up to Copenhagen as well.”
For more information see:, phone Marina Pepper at the Magic Roundabout Camp on 07931 512 244 or email .
Map & Directions:
The ‘Magic’ Roundabout is the one to the South (and slightly to the East) of the Red Arrow. If arriving by bicycle or car, leave Dodnor Lane by following the road as it veers right and becomes Monk’s Park. You will see a ‘Police Slow’ sign as you reach the roundabout, then the tents and banners that signal your arrival. Have a pleasant and safe journey!
Notes to Editors:
1. The aims of the campaign remain 1. Reinstatement & Redundancy for the 11 sacked workers who occupied the factory in an attempt to save it, and an improved Redundancy package for all workers, 2. Re-open the factory – as a Workers’ Co-op or through Nationalisation if necessary, and 3. Make the Government commit to serious policies to ensure that the UK installs significant amounts of Renewable Energy generating plant, and that production for this is within the UK, as far as possible.
2. Ryde Trades Council reports on the meeting with Ed Miliband, MP: “The agenda is at the moment set by him: “discussions on the closure of the Vestas blade plant, as well as alternative renewable energy strategies for the Island and alternative employment opportunities”. The agenda should also be set by the workers such as what the government is doing to carry out the demands set by Vestas workers on how the existing plant should be started up again forthwith!” From:, see also:
3. Caroline Lucas MEP has already stated her support for the workers, the campaign, and those arrested as part of solidarity actions, and has made practical steps to pursue a Worker’s Cooperative takeover of the factory. On July 31st, Dr. Lucas submitted an urgent proposal to the Leader of the Isle of Wight Council for support for a workers co-op at the Vestas wind turbine manufacturing plant to be established under the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 ( She has said “Failure to keep the Vestas plant open will represent a spectacular failure by the government to match its rhetoric on green jobs with real policy action. It should be seizing the opportunity to create a renewable energy revolution that can see us through a transition towards a more environmentally and economically stable economy. Allowing the IoW plant to close now would be a massive embarrassment for ministers – and devastating for the IoW’s workers.” See:’s-green-euro-mp-in-support-of-vestas-plant-occupation/ &’t-punish-vestas-workers-defending-green-jobs.
PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: Green Party Leader, the Isle of Wight’s Green MEP, and prospective parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavilion, Dr. Caroline Lucas MEP is to visit the Vestas Wind Turbine Blade factory on the IOW on Friday (9TH October). From 11.30 am – 1.30 pm she will be present at the ‘Magic Roundabout’ Solidarity/Protest Camp, St. Cross Business Park, Dodnor Lane, Newport, IOW. Dr Lucas has arranged to share lunch with the workers and their supporters, to listen and learn more about how she can help the campaign(1).
Campaigners and Vestas workers from the Magic Roundabout Solidarity Camp will welcome Dr. Caroline Lucas MEP to their protest site on Friday. The Vestas Wind Turbine Blade factory was closed on August 10th this year, “but the campaign is far from over,” said Marina Pepper. Caroline Lucas meets with workers as they demand to be allowed to join a meeting between Ed Miliband MP – Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change – and the leaders of the IOW council, in London next week (2). “After all, if Dr. Lucas can meet with them, why can’t Mr. Miliband?” asked Ms. Pepper.
After Ed Miliband MP and his Lib Dem counterpart Simon Hughes MP both made mention of Vestas at their respective party conferences, Caroline Lucas says she is coming to find out more about the campaign and how she can help at the European Parliament (3). “We’re enthusiastic about the fact that Caroline says she is coming to listen, not to make excuses, offer promises or spin rhetoric,” said James Beecher.
He added: “The Vestas workers have maintained their independence throughout this campaign - showing they can confront the mainstream politicians. But all of us in the campaign have warmly welcomed anyone willing to offer genuine solidarity or support”.
“The Vestas workers have not received a penny from the Government either for the loss of redundancy pay or as investment in jobs. While it has offered money to Vestas, the Government has failed to offer any practical help to the campaign,” argued James.
“The Government continues to spout spin regarding ‘new green jobs’ and ‘international leadership’ in the run-up to the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit, but the rhetoric is shown to be nothing more than hot air by the Vestas dispute,” said Marina Pepper. “The Magic Roundabout Solidarity Camp hopes that it can not only win for the Isle of Wight workers, but play a role in the growing campaign for Environmental and Social Justice that is coming together globally in the run-up to Copenhagen as well.”
For more information see:

Map & Directions:

The ‘Magic’ Roundabout is the one to the South (and slightly to the East) of the Red Arrow. If arriving by bicycle or car, leave Dodnor Lane by following the road as it veers right and becomes Monk’s Park. You will see a ‘Police Slow’ sign as you reach the roundabout, then the tents and banners that signal your arrival. Have a pleasant and safe journey!
Notes to Editors:
1. The aims of the campaign remain 1. Reinstatement & Redundancy for the 11 sacked workers who occupied the factory in an attempt to save it, and an improved Redundancy package for all workers, 2. Re-open the factory – as a Workers’ Co-op or through Nationalisation if necessary, and 3. Make the Government commit to serious policies to ensure that the UK installs significant amounts of Renewable Energy generating plant, and that production for this is within the UK, as far as possible.
2. Ryde Trades Council reports on the meeting with Ed Miliband, MP: “The agenda is at the moment set by him: “discussions on the closure of the Vestas blade plant, as well as alternative renewable energy strategies for the Island and alternative employment opportunities”. The agenda should also be set by the workers such as what the government is doing to carry out the demands set by Vestas workers on how the existing plant should be started up again forthwith!” From:

3. Caroline Lucas MEP has already stated her support for the workers, the campaign, and those arrested as part of solidarity actions, and has made practical steps to pursue a Worker’s Cooperative takeover of the factory. On July 31st, Dr. Lucas submitted an urgent proposal to the Leader of the Isle of Wight Council for support for a workers co-op at the Vestas wind turbine manufacturing plant to be established under the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (

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07.10.2009 14:57
In case you missed em, there's background here. You might not have all that much time for Dr. Lucas, but we got time for anyone who comes to offer genuine solidarity and support.. can that include you? you'd be very welcome for lunch on friday...
Camp & Photo
Local Press Report on Camp:
Failure is not an option!
Blade Blockade Needs You!
Investors in Vestas? Sell your shares!
Camp & Photo

Local Press Report on Camp:

Failure is not an option!

Blade Blockade Needs You!

Investors in Vestas? Sell your shares!
