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Towards a new anticapitalist party in Britain? Public Meeting Thurs 8 Oct London

Workers' Power! | 06.10.2009 15:23 | Workers' Movements

Workers' Power! - forthcoming events in London

London public meeting:
Towards a new anticapitalist party in Britain?
Thursday 8 October 2009, 7.30pm
Indian YMCA
41 Fitzroy Square
London W1T 6AQ
(nearest tube, Warren St)

* For a map, go to

National event:
The capitalist crisis and the working class resistance
14-15 November 2009
Caxton House
St John’s Way
London N19 3RQ
(nearest tube, Archway)

Workers' Power!


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Another Leftist racket in the making

06.10.2009 15:43

See - 'On Organisation' by Camatte and Collu
A good intro here:

"The essence of their argument in 'On Organisation' is that political groups, whether large or small, formal or informal, hierarchical or not, can only be a hindrance to revolutionary developments. For Camatte "capitalism is the triumph of the organisation, and the form the organisation takes is the gang." (p.30) At all levels of society the whole social fabric is based on competing organisations and rackets, and with the state as "a gang mediating between different gangs and between the total capital and particular capitals." (p.25) Even groups which aim to go beyond this society become trapped by it, acting as just another gang or racket. Groups and gangs tend to hide the existence of their ruling cliques (formal or informal) to appear more attractive to outsiders, and try to distinguish themselves from all the similar rackets around. "Once within the gang (or any other type of business) the individual is tied to it by all the psychological dependencies of capitalist society". (p.27)

The gang then vampirizes their creative abilities and suppresses their individuality in the name of an illusory community, and "even in those groups that want to escape the social givens the gang mechanism nevertheless tends to prevail because of the different degrees of theoretical development among the members. The inability to question theoretical questions independently leads the individual to take refuge behind the authority of another member who becomes, objectively, a leader, or behind the group entity, which becomes a gang." (p.27)"

And so on...

- Homepage:

yeah, but...

06.10.2009 16:29

yeah ok Bob, but who's going to make common links between different sets of workers up and down the country - yes that's right, a social movement with a basic common identity. Sorry if that upsets your intellectual pretensions

flying pickets

'a social movement with a basic common identity'

06.10.2009 17:55

And will that be organised by Workers Power?

Nuffin intellectual about reading a few books and thinking that Camatte has some good points to make about Leftist outfits who think they will lead the workers to victory. Even proletarians like me can read and think and criticise.


yes, lonely bob...

06.10.2009 22:59

... and you shall almost certainly do so alone forever - god forbid that someone might agree with you cos then you might be construed as a 'gang'

bob's codswallop


07.10.2009 09:53


what's the