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Demonstrate in Manchester against the racist hooligans of the EDL

Fight the fash | 06.10.2009 14:58 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool

Sat October 10th, 12 noon, Piccadilly Gardens

Sat October 10th, 12 noon, Piccadilly Gardens

The racist hooligans of the English Defence League are planning a series of anti-Muslim demonstrations at towns and cities across the country in coming weeks. Previous EDL demonstrations have seen their thugs attack Asian people, chant "Muslims out" and worse at passers-by and make "seig heil" Nazi salutes.

It is vital that we do not sit back and allow a small minority of racist thugs with links to the fascist BNP to terrorise and intimidate Muslims in Britain. All communities need to stand up and link arms with Muslims against the EDL. That's why there was a counter demonstration against the EDL in Birmingham in August. That's why thousands of people were mobilised in Harrow last month to defend the local mosque against the EDL and its affiliates.

We need to turn out and tell the EDL that they are not wanted in Manchester or anywhere else. We must not let these thugs turn the clock back to the 1970s when they ran round the streets terrorising black and Asian people -- or back to the 1930s when Oswald Mosley's Blackshirts targeted Jews in the East End of London.

Saturday 10 October: say NO to the racist EDL in Manchester!

Lancaster Unity

Fight the fash
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Fascists not welcome but racists are more than welcome - UAF

07.10.2009 00:46

According to the Manchester UAF, "There is no place for Nazis, racists or the BNP in Manchester's multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious community."

Except of course if you are a Labour Party racist.

So former Borders and Immigration minister Tony McNulty MP, who deported asylum seekers to DRCongo, Iraq and Afghanistan between May 2005 and May 2006 was allowed to speak on the UAF platform in Harrow on 11 Sep 2009, and Afzal Khan former Greater Manchester Police copper and ex-Labour Mayor of Manchester has been invited to speak on the platform on 10 October at the Manchester UAF 'vigil'.

So fascists not welcome but racists are more than welcome?

Why are these people on the UAF platform? Why not at the back of the queue? Why not put the Asian youth on the platform? asylum seekers? anti-deportation campaigners? Oh no just Labour Party racists.

It is worth remembering that GMP was implicated along with MI5 and MI6 in sending information to Pakistan's ISI that was used to torture a Manchester Muslim man, Rangzieb Ahmed.

According to Cat Wiener, 'In Pakistan, Ahmed was beaten with cables and rubber whips, deprived of sleep, sexually humiliated and had three fingernails extracted, while facing questions drawn up by MI5 and Greater Manchester Police.'

So take your place on the platform Mr Afzal Khan, racists not welcome but you and your Labour scum certainly are!

James Taylor

Whilst i .....

07.10.2009 03:34

agree with you James, is this really the place? As many people as possible need to be in Manchester for this one. Shitting on the UAF (as much some of us do enjoy it) right now aint going to change much.

Getting people to Manchester will.


In the name of democracy

07.10.2009 09:48

trying to ban,not tolerate any one who speaks words that we do not agree with isn`t exactly democratic.After all,as the saying goes:I may not agree with you but I will defend your right to say it. I feel that freedom of speech is paramount in a free democratic society. As has been pointed out UAF is an establishment led orginisation,curtailing freedom of speech.
I feel they should ban banning things as there`s one thing I cannot tolerate and that`s intolerance.Before the abuse starts,I am not a troll,just a libertarian. EDL are a front for the establishment just like UAF. A fantastic way of divide and rule of the working classes. Wake up England!!

Direct democr@t

The United Protest - Ignore All Trolls (Kellway And Friends)

07.10.2009 11:32

The best place to find out info on the protest is at the Lancaster Unity site: -

and not on here where neo-nazi trolls are devious and aim to stop people protesting against the facist EDL and the BNP. LUnity started off as part of the UAF but became independent, and works with Hope Not Hate, and also supports Antifa, as well as the UAF themselves. They oppose sectarianism, and are merely interested in a broad aliance against fascism, not silly in-fighting.

The EDL's bombastic arsehole Troller-In-Chief Kelway is a regular troll, and posts all sorts of dubious watering downs as well as outright support for the EDL. Unlike his racist and homophobic football hooligan followers, he has a brain cell or two.

The protests against the fascist football hooligans on Saturday begin at Piccadilly gardens at 12pm, and there will be live music and vegan snacks available, unlike the EDL supporters who will be getting pissed in the Piccadilly Wetherspoons on cheap lager and cider. They will wait until the anti-fascist protestors to disperse before holding their racist rally, so the longer we stay, the less time they will have to spew their raw race hate on the streets of Manchester.

Protestors include (as well as the UAF), Antifa, Bolton anarchists, MCR anarchists, environmentalists, gay and lesbian groups, Revo, free space squatters, socialist students from Manchester and Salford, reps from all faiths, and much, much more. We are taking over Manchester Piccadilly this Saturday from both the council and the fascists. This is a unity vibe!

The protest is for everybody not just the UAF, so please don't believe the bulllshit that Kellway will try to deceive you into believing with his dozens of fake indentities. To expose the lengths he has tried to go to trigger disunity in Manchester, he recently tried to infiltrate MCR's lesbian and gay forum, where he tried unsuccessfully to convince people that the EDL's macho, brainless football hooligans were "tolerant of sexual diversity".

The EDL's Football hooligans hate anyone who isn't white and heterosexual. Full stop!

I don't know if any state money goes into the EDL, but their keyboard warriors spend all day and all night trolling the net, their job, lies, misinformation and spin. Like the phoney "swastika burning" and the Belfast-style (provocative yet meaningless) Israeli flags, they do seem to working to a script. Their chief financer Alan Lake is an Arsenal fan, and lives in Highbury in London, but we don't know much about him.

Any info about Lake will be lovingly received. Thanks>

Trolls, get a chuffin' life!!!

Troll Destroya

Get Real

07.10.2009 11:37

Get real! It's not a "freedom of speech" issue.

Racist football hooligans "speak" with their boots and their fists. They do not have brains, and many are middle rather than working class, which is why they can afford to catch expensive trains all the way from London and Luton to Manchester.

They will emerge from Manchester Piccadilly's Weatherspoons pissed like newts, and raging with violence.

The fash scumbags will need to be stopped, and I am not just talking about the EDL.

Stopped they will. Fuck off Kellway and your many phoney aliases!

Kelway Sux!


07.10.2009 23:24

Thanks to excellent researcher Eric The Fish, we discover that the EDL's spokesman Kelway has the following select hardcore neo-Nazi Facebook friends which shoot holes in his claims not to be a white supremacist.


Frank Atack who like BNP member Gary Aronsson likes his SS insignia. Whereas Gazza plumped for the Totenkopf (3rd Division), Frank opts for the 2nd division, Das Reich as his avatar. One of Frank's friends also has a Waffen SS picture. Frank stood for the BNP in Dewsbury in 2007 and is in a folk band, Red Claire with other BNP members.

Ian Sayers who has a Sunderland Vote BNP avatar

Sean Barry who goes for an Ulster red Hand 'No Surrender'

Roger Phillips (Wales BNP) who proudly shows a picture taken with Nick Griffin

Paul Tranter who has a charming bulldog with a superimposed union flag. Tranter himself includes local Liverpool BNP activist Peter Stafford Jr, BNP councillor and drink driver, Bob Bailey and a man with Adolf Hitler as an avatar.

Wewantour countryback who has a 'No Surrender' UK Casuals United avatar, this being a right-wing group of football hooligans.

Dave Brennan - friends with Liverpool BNP. Indeed, this brings us full circle as many of the allies of Liverpool BNP are the same as those for the EDL, including SS devotee Frank Atack!

Antifash Researcher

This Danny/Alan Lake

08.10.2009 02:40

1:22 to 1:30

Kent Ekeroth, Sweden Democrats Inter National Secretary said:
"The second speaker, Alan Lake, civil engineer from England, and active in the counter-jihad movement. He is particularly interested in the strategic oversight and has created a tool on the Internet to link the same activists and organizations working against Islamization. Lake will talk about Islamization from a global perspective and analyze its strengths and weaknesses and present proposals on how to counter this."

Kent Ekero


08.10.2009 07:13

Theres nothing wrong with being racist. Its isn't against the law and people are perfectly entitled to dislike who they please.

You lot sound like the type of people who wouldn't give their buddy any covering fire on the battlefield because your think firing at the guys shooting at you would be racist. You'd be happy to see one of your best friends with a hole in his face rather than do something political incorrect because you are all brainwashed by the media.


I shall Dislike whom I please

08.10.2009 09:44

Dear cardinal,

I shall dislike whom I please: the persons I choose to dislike are fascists and racists.

If someone chooses to go to a war zone then that is their choice. I would not choose to follow them.

The promotion of racial hatred is illegal. Pretending that racism is legal keeps you under the control of the BNP - so much for your freedom.

Your trolling would be better suited to hiding under bridges and jumping out at passing billy goats: it is beneath contempt to lie in public.


Bishop Prick

Joey Owen