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Counter the corporate adverts!

No Corps | 02.10.2009 14:38

Corporations blast us with adverts to get us to give them our money

So, do the opposite! The more they advertise-the more we urge others NOT TO BUY!

Pass it on!

No Corps


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I guess most of us here do this already

02.10.2009 16:30

I guess most of us here do this already - the problem is that people in general are swayed by advertising, which is why companies spend so much money doing it.


Some ideas for spreading the non-consumer message

03.10.2009 15:01

I agree with the above comment, most of the people here already do this. Also, there are loads of creative ways of urging people not to buy - I think it'd be useful if the article had listed them, then people are more likely to be proactive about it.

For example -- flyposting, leafletting in shopping streets / holding leaflet stalls, free food / free stuff stalls, free stuff shops / squats, publicity stunts in shopping centres (such as a die-in - 'consumerism stole my soul' etc!), or "subvertising" adverts (putting your own message over the top - or modifying what is already there), banner drops, constructive and eye catching graffiti... the world is ours, lets take it back! :) x

x Solidarity x

writing slogans on bank notes

03.10.2009 23:09

anti-war - anti-capitalist
free advertising space passing through many hands
pass it on

money marker