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What kind of government do we need? Socialists debate the Greens and Labour

Workers' Liberty | 02.10.2009 13:17 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

As the next election looms, we debate what kind of government working-class people need.

What kind of government do we need?

7.30pm, Thursday 8 October
The Wishing Well pub, corner of Bellenden Road and Choumert Road

As working-class people face the economic crisis, and the next general election approaches, what sort of government should we be fighting for?

Jenny Jones (Green Party London Assembly member)
Gordon Nardell (Southwark Labour Party councillor)
Jill Mountford (Workers' Liberty candidate for Camberwell and Peckham in the next general election)
A speaker from Respect (invited)

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how about no government...

02.10.2009 16:18

... since when of any of these suspects are going to genuinely represent the will of the people. All politicians at the end of the day, who will happily use indymedia and its like when it suits them and will stab in the back as soon as it becomes clear that the grassroots remain a threat to the dominance they seek. Putting a cross on a piece of paper is only the illusion of democracy. Bring power back to the people where it belongs.


The AWL demonstrated alongside the fascist UBA

02.10.2009 18:08

The AWL standing against the Greens in the elections is par for the Trot course.

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UBAnationalists targeting1 religion is a fascist tactic,more anarchos must vote

03.10.2009 17:25

Many anarchists vote from those on the frontlines to people like Chomsky
For a while Chompsky+ many class war anarchistd became known as abit Chumpsky because they ignored or deemed the bilderberg group &trilateral commission who are meeting up in Dublin soon as irrelevant. He also let himself down by calling 911 a irrelavant event wether it was set up or not by a Bush gladio network.Chomsky made up for this with more recent lectures . Chomsky is a witty,intelligent american internationalist independent intellectual& philisopher heavyweight champion who proved that the best critics of imperialism are often born within the empire. He promotes anarchism & advocates more real democracy,swiss canton systems & Proportional represenational systems in democratic hands.
Anarchisms roots are anywhere people wanted organised direct democracy from athens, it inspired Switzerlands canton system, its about a Universal grand coalition of cooperative direct democracy, beyond theatrical& corrupt party politics with delegation,referendum& consensus& can be done. The EUs grand coalition works, but it works often for a corrupted system against democracy, we need the opposite for more regional democracy& internationalism.
AWL may have made mistakes with UBA, Trotsky made many mistakes, the greens have too. So have anarchists,many of whom have worked or do work for government organisations& even cooperatives that carry out repressive measures in the name of efficiencyor to get the rent paid.
Anyone who has worked in workers cooperative however sall or big knows that capitalism is always trying to force you to make shit decisions that shouldnt happen, hence you get Greens in a Irish government coalition helping Shell in Mayo or anarchists in housing& business cooperatives who physically evict members on minor grounds to please a landlord or sack temporarily sick employees without basic packages to keep bankers happy. Anarchist cooperatives do things to employees that would be illegal for a corporation to do, but many cooperatives dont have contracts, its all done"voluntarily", as in V for Vendetta we are all guilty of something.
It is democracy not government, people have used,do use & will use many of apparatus currently used by government, the NHS,transport & sanitation services arent government they are common sense. The majority of anarchists dont reject the NHS just corruption in it, as a movement we need to update our ideas,reclaim democracy& not stick to manuals written over a 100 years ago.

Green syn